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Dear Prischelle....

Starting to write my journal with that two words makes me smile. It's my first—uh, not actually the first time. I wrote a letter for my ex girlfriend before but just once. I'm more like writing about the place I visited, fun time with friends and my family. But this is the first time that I feel like this. Like something just touch my heart making it tickles.

Is that what they call 'heart flutter'? Oh, right. It is.

I haven't seen you come out your building throughout the day. I would stay at the sky walk to have a glance at you—yep, that's the reason why. I can bear the hot weather just to see you.

It's because I think that's the only place where I could see you. I felt glad that our department is just next to each other. I can see you more often. But now, are you busy?

It's time to go home and I'm at the sky walk. Waiting for you to get out of your building and when I saw you walking outside, I can't help but to smile.

You look so tired and your hair is kind of messy. Well, I guess you're really having a busy and stressful day.

Rest well, okay?



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