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Dear Prischelle,

I'm actually touched when you told me you want to buy a present for my Mom. And I told you about the thing that she likes. Mom is a materialistic so I thought it will be a better idea if she'll received a thing as a gift for her birthday.

And I can see that Mom is so happy about it. I can't hide my smile as I watched you two, talking together after you gaver her your gift. You both are smiling and I feel like a light just invaded the dark part of my heart.

"Is Prischelle your girlfriend?"

That was Mom's question after the dinner. When you left together with your family, she made me sat on the sofa at the living room.

Her question made me laugh. "I wish."

I wish you were really mine. I would be the luckiest man on earth. How far it is to reach you? I want to take every thing slowly. I want everything to fall on its place, perfectly.

Slowly and surely.



I'm still preoccupied.

Dear Prischelle [Epistolary]Where stories live. Discover now