De Vil's Don't Fly (Jaylos)

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(A/N: I know. Shocking a Jaylos fic. Trust me this was so hard to write. I can't write Jay to save my life. So if he seems a bit out of character I apologize. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!)

Carlos was in a mass of moving bodies all grinding and writhing to the thumping and pumping music. His head was fuzzy with admittedly alcohol and drugs. He just turned his thoughts off and just submitted to the moment letting himself live and finally feel free, free of the pain he has been feeling. It has been months Since Jay got his scholarship for tourney and Carlos has been feeling nothing but heartbroken. Heartbroken because according to his online profiles he not only isn't single anymore but seems to be nothing but happy in his new life. He hasn't heard from him in week, not even a text despite all the VK's having a healthy and active group chat. No one asks what Carlos has been up to. He got a scholarship for a different school and has been silently suffering the loss of his friends.

Carlos has changed since his friends were so far away, busy with their own lives. He started drinking, dabbling in drugs, and working as a male escort on the side to pay for his habits. Carlos's entire life had been turned upside down without the VK's. He was alone and the only way to numb the ache that their distance left was an unhealthy lifestyle.

Tonight was different though, tonight Ben, Mal, and Evie were all supposed to be visiting him at the club. He got here early to enjoy himself some before he inevitably had to pretend everything was okay. Out of the corner of Carlos's eye he spied his three formerly close friends walk into the club looking out of their element. Ben wasn't a party type unless Harry forced him to open up. Mal and Evie both looked admittedly more at home but still this place was new to them so they didn't know the lay of the land. Plastering on a fake smile Carlos slipped out of the dance floor and over to his friends hugging all of them. Ben noticeably looking worried by how strongly he already smelled of alcohol. "Guys! You made it!" Carlos lead them over to one of the empty booths and ushered them to sit while a waitress came to take orders. Everyone seemed to start light but Carlos just ordered his usual cocktail and the waitress nodded.

"Come here often C?" Mal asked arching an eyebrow at how familiar he seemed to be with the waitress, even knowing each other by name.

"Yeah I do actually, every night I can. Got a problem Mom?" Carlos snickers. The music changes and Carlos gasps overly excited. "I fucking love this song." Carlos beams starting to dance in his seat a bit. Ben, Evie, and Mal are all watching him with concern but not wanting to voice anything not really knowing what to say. Evie looks the most disturbed by his behavior.

"So how have you been 'Los? We've missed you. You seem to have changed since you left..." Evie says trying to bring out the old Carlos in hopes that her friend would peak through the clearly tipsy and drugged male. Carlos just shrugs not really giving her much of an answer. She glances at the other two who give her similar looks of concern. Before she can open her mouth to protest, Carlos is up and back in the crowd of bodies dancing. He doesn't care if they don't like who he is now. This is their fault anyway. They basically abandoned communicating with him the moment he left for his education. They talk but it isn't the same and the subjects are never what he really needs to talk about. Things got really hard and he had no one to save him. He's honestly been broken ever since but he's trying to hold himself together with rubber bands and tape.

Evie and Mal look at one another before holding hands sipping their drinks. Ben just watches Carlos dance a look of longing and worry in them. "Guys... I don't know what's up with Carlos but something feels really off. He's acting... weird. Even if he changed this isn't normal." Ben's voice is half swallowed up by the rhythmic thumping of the music. Mal nods but Evie shakes her head.

"The Carlos we know wouldn't do drugs guys. I don't think that's it. Maybe he just drank too much." Evie knew that she was only lying to herself but she didn't want to accept the idea that Carlos would get into that kind of stuff.

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