《 5 》

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"Ok taehyungie, this is your desk, right next to mine, and if you need anything just tell me. By the way my schedule has been added to your phone so you have to take me their and remind me about them"

Today is my first day, and the his schedule has already been added to my phone. I sighed. I still haven't gotten used to the name 'taehyungie'. The name is cute but...

"Taehyung? Are you alright?"

I suprsingly jumped, and remembered that I needed to focus. I couldn't possibly be fired again.

"Y-yea I'm fine"

And the fact that I'm hard isn't really helping. At least it's not THAT showable.

"Alright tae, could you see what I'm doing today?"

I took out my phone and looked at the schedule.

"It looks like you have an interview at 1:30 pm, than after a lunch break, you have to go meet with lisa, your clothes designer for your new Suits"

Seokjin hyung smiled down at me.
"Ok taehyungie, since it's almost time, let's go now!"

Wait.. I'm going with him! I thought he was joking about that! I must of read the form wrong..

Hyung and I left the building a walked right in front of a limo.

"No way! You have a limo!"

Seokjin hyung luaghed.
"I'm a multi millionaire remeber?"

I blushed a bit and we entered the limo. I told the driver where to go, and he started driving. I felt that my body had cooled down, and I could finally relax.

"So taheyung, I still don't know much about you, so tell me about yourself"

Dammit. I can't even have time for myself.

"Umm well I'm 20 years old, you already know that from my form, uhh I like to paint, I like photography, I have a dog named yeontan and well that's pretty much it"

Seokjin nodded slowly, seeming to take everything in.

"So umm, hyung what about you?"
I asked.

It seemed like he needed to think for a while, trying to figure out what wasn't dangerous to say.

"I'm 22, I'm single, I sometimes model for famous brands, but mostly am just working at Jin entertainment. I used to be an idol (still am) but decided to make a company for other trainees to become idols, and I became successful from it. I still sing and dance, and have many concerts. I am pretty preserved often, but when I open up I am very fun to be around. And that's it"

I needed some time to take all of it in. It seemed like Seokjin was a fine person. But he said he was fun to be around? I hope that's true, I wouldn't want to be caught dead with a mean boss.

"Ah looks like we're here"
Seokjin sighed out.

We stepped out of the car where many people were asking questions and clicking their cameras.

"Seokjin! Seokjin! Who is this man!"

"Is he your brother?"

"Seokjin! Can I have an autograph!"

"Seokjin! Can I Interview you!"

Everyone had been squishing us around and asking us questions, but luckily one of Seokjin guards stepped out and cleared our path. It feels weird to have all this attention, but also feels kind of good. I've never been famous so it's pretty exciting, we'll intil I heard someone yell,

"Seokjin! Is this your boyfriend?!"

I almost froze there. It's just a dumb question, it doesn't mean anything, but it really affects me for some reason.

Finally, we got into the building, and the interview had started. The interview asked Seokjin questions and Seokjin answered. I played on my phone backstage, waiting for this to end. But a question caught my ear.

"Seokjin, is it true your no longer dating Kim namjoon"

Dating who? Kim namjoon he said? That one famous model! I've always wanted to meet Kim namjoon and get an autograph... but they used to be dating?

Does that mean Seokjin is..

"Yes, I am no longer dating namjoon. We cut of our relationship."

I let off my breath that I didn't know I held. What is heppening to me?

His Assistant~taejinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें