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Seokjin sped his car over, not to namjoons home, but Jenny.

He thought that all of Jenny saying she was I love with someone else, was bullshit, and she was just covering up that she kidnapped him.

*knock knock

Jenny opened the door, and Seokjin grabbed her shoulders.


Jenny's eyes went wide.
"Taehyung? What do you mean?"

"DONT LIE! You have him don't you!"

"Hey Jenny, who is that?"

Seokjin heard a mans voice, very familiar...

"Seokjin? Why are you here?"

Jenny let the poor man into the house, because it was currently freezing outside.

"Taehyung he... I think he's kidnapped"

Hoseok and Jenny looked at each other, worried.

Seokjins pov

I slumped down on the sofa and put my head in my hands. This can't be heppening. I love him, I'm not just going to let him go.

"Seokjin. I promise I have nothing to do with his missing appearance... but I do know where he is"

I look up at Jenny, and realize what she said.

"Where?! Where is he?!"
I jump off the sofa.

"About a week or two before, I was walking home, because I thought it was a nice day too. A saw a man following me, he ended up following me home, which freaked me out. But before I went in my home, he grabbed me and pulled me into his car. It was your ex, Seokjin. Namjoon. He said he knew I liked you, and wanted my help to kidnap taehyung. I thought it was some dumb joke. That time I liked you, I wasn't that crazy to kidnap taehyung. But, I was a bit crazy over you, so I said yes"

I froze, and almost screamed out of anger. Namjoon wants to kidnap what's mine?

"He told me the whole plan. He was planning on kidnapping taehyung, not him, but hiring someone. Than he would either kill taehyung, or force you to be with him, and taehyung would be safe. But if he were to kill taehyung, he would pretend that taehyung killed himself, than go into your arms to confort you and become a couple again"

I almost pulled my hair out of frustration.
I looked up at Jenny.
"Do you know where they are?"

Jenny nodded.
"In a broken down wherehouse. I have the location-"

"Than let's go!"

But before I could get up, Jenny pulls me back down.
"Namjoon has a gun. This isn't safe. We can't go without preparing our selves. We might lose somebody today..."

I look down.
I can't lose taehyung. I can't.
I rested my face into my hands once again, and sighed.

"Well than, we should prepare shouldn't we?"

His Assistant~taejinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant