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Taehyung and Seokjin were cuddling in Seokjins old bedroom, saying nothing but sweetness into each other's ears.


"Yes baby?"
Seokjin asked.

"I.. well.. remember that day when I got lost? And went under that playground?"
Taehyung asked.

"Hmm yes? What about it?"
Seokjin whispered, kissing along Taehyungs ear.

"Well.. I met these amazing two children.. Jui and her blood related brother baekyun"

Seokjin hummed.
"Oh? Did you meet there parents as well?"

"Well.. not exactly.. it turns out there from an orphanage"

Seokjins heart shattered.
"Really now? That's terrible.. why would you bring his up?"

Taehyung fell silent a bit.
"I fell in love with those children. There both so beautiful and nice.. can we maybe.. adopt them?"

Seokjin all of a sudden let go of Taehyung, his back flinging off the bed.

Taehyungs eyes widened.
"S-Sorry we don't have to.. but I really am in love with them... and I promised to be there appa"

Seokjin softly smiled, caressing Taehyungs cheek.
"Love, if you really want to have children, which is a big responsibility, than yes, Ofcourse"

Taehyung smiled widely, jumping onto Seokjins chest.
"Oh Hyung! Your going to love them so much!"
Taehyung hugged his boyfriend, giggling and smiling.


Taehyung and Seokjin entered the orphanage, going up to the lady in the front, behind the counter.

"Umm excuse me?"
Taehyung asks.

The lady popped her head up.
"Oh? Your that man who was sitting under the playground a few months ago"

Taehyung smiled.
"Y-yea. We both would.. can we see jui and her brother baekyun?"

"Are you here to adopt?"

Taehyung and Seokjin eyes each other, giving each other the most heartfelt smiles.
"Yes. But we'd like to ask them first."

The lady smiled, telling Taehyung and Seokjin to wait a bit for her to get them.

Jui And baekyun made there way into the lounge, smiling widely when they saw Taehyung.

They both yelled, running into Taehyung and pushing him to the floor, even if hey were both 3 and 4.

Seokjin laughed.
"I already love them"

"Are you here to finally adopt us appa?"
Jui asked.

"Yes jui jui. Well.. actully That is.."
Taehyung looked up at Seokjin, who kneeled next to them.

"Yes, we are"
Seokjin finished.

After lots of paper work later

"Wow! Appa has such a big home!"
Jui smiles, giggling and running around Seokjins luxury mansion.

"Tag Your it jui!"
Baekyun laughed, tagging his sister.

"That's not fair! Tag!"
Jui tagged Seokjin, who tagged Taehyung, and now they were all sprinting around Seokjins mansion, laughing and screaming.

What a wonderful ending isn't this?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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