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Seokjin gathered most of the people he trusted, which sadly wasn't too many. He got jimin and yoongi, and hoseok, and Jenny. They were all going to help him get back Taehyung. They all had there weapons, and weren't going down without a fight.


Seokjin parked outside the old warehouse, at the side of the city. The side where most people never went to. Such a great place for something like this.

Seokjin and hoseok got out of the car, and entered the warehouse.

Seokjin pov

Namjoons eyes went wide when he saw me enter in.
"S-Seokjin? What are you doing here? Y-your not supposed to be here!"

I scoff.
"Let Taehyung go"

He laughs. I look over.. oh my god... Taehyung is tied to a chair, his mouth being covered, but his eyes being free, windened when he sees me.

"I'm not letting anyone go.. but I will make a exception"
Namjoon takes out a gun from his coat pocket and points it and taehyung a head.

No... I'll kill him if he hurts Taehyung.. but this is all part of our plan anyway. How predictable is Namjoon anyway?

"If you marry me, and never leave me, I'll let your precious little Taehyung go. But if no... I'll trigger this gun"
Namjoon says, laughing like a maniac.

I look over to hoseok, and he nods, getting ready for phase two.

"Okay, I'll be with you, I still loved you anyway"
I almost gagged from saying that. How disgusting.

I glance at Taehyung, and my heart drops, his eyes are wide, and he looks frightened, sad, and a bit mad. He thinks I played with his feeling? He thinks that doesn't he.. I don't blame him, but I would never. I absolutely hate Namjoon, and would murder him instead of being with him.

"Really? You still love me?"
Namjoon says, sounding a bit excited.

I can't believe I'm saying this.
"Ofcourse! And anyway, why would I like Taehyung? He's just some kid"

Taehyungs eyes was now filled with hurt, and he looked away from me. I really hope I didn't hurt the poor boy, I love Taehyung.. and I don't mean anything that I just said.

"I love you too!"
Namjoon slightly put his gun down. I look over at hoseok, and he nods carefully.

I glance up, and jimin and yoongi are in big sides of the broken rooftop, holding cameras for proof. Proof of what? You'll see.

Namjoon runs over to me and hugs me. Ew no. Can he get off me? That's disgusting.

"Why is he here?"
Namjoon says, letting go of the hug and pointing over to hoseok.

"He's my friend"

Namjoon rolls his eyes.
"Than you'll marry me right"

I could almost feel the barf in my mouth.
"Ofcourse love"

Absolutely disgusting.

Namjoon leans in, obviously for a kiss, but the doors slam open, and Jenny is there with the police.

"Put your hand in the air!"
The police shout, holding out guns.

But Namjoon isn't done yet.
"No! This isn't over!"

Namjoon turns around and quickly points his gun at Taehyung.

I scream, tackling him to the floor. His bullet still shoots out, hitting the side of taehyungs shoulder. I start to punch namjoons face, tackling him with all my might.

The police pull me off him, and arrest him. I run over to Taehyung and untie him. He falls over in my hands, exhausted. His shoulder.. the bullet scraped some part of his skin, but didn't go through.

"Seokjin! I-I"
Before he could finish his sentence, he starts to sob, falling onto me, barely holding himself up.

"It's okay Taehyung, shh, I'm here love"

Taehyung slightly pushes me away. Why?
"Y-you think I'm a k-kid? You still love him?"

My eyes widened.
"Now taehyung no! That was all just bullshit I told him so he would believe me! I set him up baby! I promise!"

I hug him once again, and he gives in a hugs me.

"I love you so much baby"
I tell Taehyung.

Oh fuck. I really just said that didn't I?

Taehyung sniffles and looks up, wide eyed.
"W-Wait really? Y-you love me?"

I smile, a bit worryingly. He said at the first day I met him.. that he isn't gay right? Than.. he wouldn't like me right? I don't know..

"Y-Yea I love you.. I'm inlove with you"

His mouth slowly turns into a smile and he jumps on me.
"I love you too!"

He does? I feel tears of relief and happiness fall down my cheeks. He loves me.. he.. really does.. how it feels so good that he loves me back.

I let Taehyung down in the floor, but before I could kiss him, I get a tap on the shoulder.

"Hello mr, two men had shown us video evidence on what Namjoon had done. We will be sending him to prison for trying to murder, and kidnapping. We are sending over a ambulance to see if your friend-"

The officer couldn't finish his sentence, because Taehyung started to fall against my back.

"Tae? Love? What's-"
He fell over, fainted.

The ambulance reached us, and picks Taehyung and exsamens his shoulder. They patch it up, with lots of different medical stuff and take him to the hospital.

This is over. Taehyung will be alright. We'll be happy. And.. he loves me too...

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