《 8 》

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"Look taehyung..."

"What? What's so important that you had to come here? Shouldn't work and home not be together-"

"Taehyung listen!"

Taehyung shut his nouth, eager to hear what was so important, and why seokjin almost looked... nervous?

"Taehyung, theirs- well- a problem at my home right now, umm is it alright if I crash at yours right now?"

"Well your here already so what's the point"
Taehyung sarcasticly said.

"Wow thanks babe!"

Taehyung face palmed, how did it even get here? He never would have known his boss would be at his house.

"Hmm nice apartment"

Taehyung just nodded.
"Look, hyung, it's late, we should go to bed"

"Okay! Let's go!"

Taehyung curled himself on the couch and layed their.

"What are you doing?"
Seokjin asked, looking down at the small taehyung, who curled up.

"I'm sleeping, duh. You can take my room"
Taehyung said as he pointed out to his bedroom.

"Aren't you cold?"
Seokjin asked.

Taehyung hummed, ignoring his boss.

Seokjin walked his way through taehyung bedroom, and sighed in awe.

Their were portraits and paintings, a desk filled with drawings and magizines, colored pencils and more.

But one little picture, stuck out to seokjin. It was hidden in taehyung drawer of the desk. Ofcourse, seokjin hadn't opened the desk, he just saw the picture glisten from the moon. He opened the drawer and saw a beautiful picture. It was of taehyung, dancing, with the moon in the backround. It was absolutely stunning, and seokjin hadn't realized he was standing their, for about ten minutes.

Seokjin realized what he was doing was wrong, looking into someone else's stuff? Seokjin put the picture back, not before admiring for another second.

That when seokjin realized that taehyung was still freezing on the sofa.

Seokjin took off one of the covers from the bed and went to the living room. Their, taehyung was shivering, holding himself, trying not to be cold.

"He'll be fine, he said"
Seokjin mumbled, Rolling his eyes.

Jin layed the blanket over taehyung, and soon the younger smiled, while he was asleep.

Jin stared at the beautiful boy. He had never been able to see taehyung face under him, he had always known taehyung was a beauty, but now up close, he was an absolute god.

The older kissed taehyung on the forhead, and left to sleep.


"Wake up you fart"

Seokjin opened his eyes.

Taehyung was not on the bed, but beside jin, trying to wake him up.

The younger whined.
But something caught onto seokjin, something familier about the whine.

Seokjin pov

I opened my eyes to see taehyung hitting me with a pillow, trying to wake me up.

Taehyung whined.

"Noooo sleep..."
I yawned.

You know what would be funny? If I teased him.

I grabbed taes arm and pulled him onto the bed, right into my arms.

I looked down, and taehyung was a blushing mess.

"H-hey! Hyung! Y-you let me go!"
Taehyung struggled for a few minutes, trying to get out of my arms, but failed misrebly. Soon, he gave up and put his head on my chest, and we fell asleep again.


I woke up, feeling great, but realized something felt different...

I saw that something was curling and softly snoring in my arms. Taheyung. Honestly, Taheyung looks so ethereal in my arms, so beautiful.

I looked at the alarm clock.

"Shit! Taehyung wake up!"

"Mmhm.... no.. more sleep..."

It seems like the tables have turned.

"Tahehung, you do realize were cuddling right?"

Taheyung slightly said, "what?" And looked at the position we were in.

Taheyung screamed and tumbled off the bed.  I luaghed, but saw that taehyung wasn't saying anything?

"Taehyung, honey, are you alright?"

Taehyung gets up and mumbles,
"I'm fine" qiutly and heads to the bathroom. He's obviously not fine, and the bed is pretty big... the could've hurt to have fallen like that.

I looked at the alarm clock once again. I was definitely late. 2 hours late. But no worries right? My staff members are already their, and anyway, today I'll just call me and Taheyung absent, it's not like it will hurt anyone.

Taheyung came out of the bathroom.
"Go shower or whatever"
He mumbled qiuetly.

What's his problem?

I grabbed his hand before he could leave the room, and pinned him against the wall.

"What's wrong?"
I said a bit loud.

I looked at his eyes, a place he would never look back at me. It seemed like he was about to cry.


"That hurt.."
He mumbled.

I smiled, knowing he wasn't angry with me.
"Aww my baby got an ouchie?"
I teased him.

"Stop! It really hurt"
Taheyung looked away, out of my eyes.

I let go of my arms, that pinned him to the wall, and hugged him.

"M'sorry babe, I didn't know"
I said, carresing his butt.

"H-hyung stop! I forgive you okay! S-stop touching my b-butt!"
He said, trying to break out of my cluch.

I chuckled at let him go. He ran off, out of the room.

After I took a shower, I walked into the living room, and saw a plate and a sticky note.

Went out for some errends, I'll be back in an hour! I made some pancakes for you btw

-taehyung, and STOP CALLING ME BABY

I laughed at the cute note and stuffed it in my pocket. I ate the pancakes, which were absolutely delicious, note- I have to one day cook for taehyung, if he'll ever let me back into his house.

I should probably get back to my house... but what if he's still waiting for me their?

His Assistant~taejinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن