The coldest night. [ 1]

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The coldest night 

Family is power, Niklaus. Love, loyalty, it's power. This is what we swore to each other a thousand years ago before life tore away what little humanity you had left. Before ego, before anger, before paranoia created in this person before me, someone I can barely even recognize as my own brother...This is us. The Original family. We remain together, always and forever – Elijah mikaelson

 We remain together, always and forever – Elijah mikaelson

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A woman in her 20's, dressed in a light blue torn dress ran through a forest whilst carrying a baby in a wooden basket. It was almost midnight and she could sense something bad was about to happen.

With every step she took, she feared for her life. The little sounds of leaves crumbling below her feet and the cold breeze hitting her were once the sounds that she found calming, but now they felt like daggers to her spine. A shot of pain went up to her leg as she kept on running as fast as she could. The dark night sky used to be filled with the brightest of stars but now all that was visible was the Crescent moon that acted as a light source.

The tree's towering over her made her feel even more anxious. The forest seemed endless by the number of tall trees surrounding it. She could swear that she heard whispers with the breeze. The Crescent moon usually didn't give out too much light but now it highlighted everything, from the dark green leaves of the trees to the wet mud filled grass.

Mud. That indicated water. She continued running, searching for that river or stream. She felt the ground get more slippery as she saw it. The lustering stream. The woman left out a deep breath she didn't even know she was holding as she looked at the basket she had. She knew that she didn't have any time to spare but she wasn't going to simply let the child go without once touching it.

She stroked the baby's cheek as she took a sharp breath. It was wrapped around two towels and was asleep with its mouth open. The woman came out of her small trance as she removed one towel off the child and then removed her necklace. Her necklace looked one of a kind, probably the only one of it's kind. It was made of silver and diamond and looked light enough to not affect the baby. She put the necklace in the basket and then walked towards the flowing stream. She placed the baby on the stream, watching the waters take away the woman's only hope.

She knew what she was going to do. She shook her hands as she shook her head, preparing for something reckless. She bent down and collected the weeds and stones growing by the stream and filled the towel with them. She tied the towel and then held it in her arms like it was the child. She then turned to the direction of the dark forest, ready to run. She ran into the forest in the same, almost faster speed then she ran out of it and before she understood what was happening, she found them.

Before she knew it, she was surrounded by huge creatures who looked like they were made of stone and glass. Their eyes were the color of blood and they were taller than the tallest of trees that she could see. The earth under her began shaking and the winds blew the fastest they could. She felt her body slowly turn to pure stone causing her to drop the cloth filled with rocks.

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