Chapter 3 - I owe you

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       The halls of the Salvatore school were empty, as everyone was getting their dinner, at the time. That would give the chance to the girls to get to Hope's room without anybody seeing them. Or so they thought. The two friends were making their way to the tribrid's bedroom, walking next to each other and talking about what the shorter girl had missed during her long-term sleep. As they reached the corner of the hallway, Hope saw three students passing by, at the end of it, and pushed Lizzie to the wall, making sure they were both out of their sight. Only when she made sure they were clear, Hope noticed that her body was pressing Lizzie's against the wall and her hands were laying on the other girl's hips. 

"Uh, sorry." she immediately removed them and took a step back.

"S'alright." said Lizzie, fixing the towel around her.

They continued their way in awkward silence. When they were both inside the room, Hope closed the door and went to her drawer, in search of some clothes, leaving the siphon standing uncomfortable at the entrance.

"So.. how did you find me?" Hope asked as she picked a T-shirt and some shorts.

"What?" Lizzie returned uneasy.

"In my subconscious." she explained as she placed the pile of clothes in the blonde's hands.

"Oh.. well, I just saw a read door and went through it."

"Just a red door?" said Hope like she knew from personal experience it couldn't be that easy.

"Yep." Lizzie shrugged and headed to the folding screen.

The tribrid, though not convinced, decided not to push. She put her pajamas on and waited for her friend to change as well. She stood next to her bed and looked over the siphon's way. She made a great effort to gulp. Lizzie's silhouette through the screen was making her feel something she hadn't experienced before. Lust. She wanted to get in there and take off that shirt Lizzie was about to put on. Control yourself. She turned around to face the wall with all her photos of her with her friends.. with Landon. I'm awful. That's what I am. Landon's not waking up and I fucking fantasizing about naked Lizzie fucking Saltzman. Hope hated herself for the fact that, even for a split second, she forgot about him.

"We've talked about this, your troll will be safe." said Lizzie, seeing the shorter girl staring at a picture of them together.

"Shut up, Lizzie." said Hope, annoyed with herself mostly.

"Come on.. Landon, I mean Landon." 

"Just go."

"Are you seriously mad about it?"

"What I'm mad about is that you won't mind your own damn business, just for once." Hope turned to face the witch.

Both girls gasped in the statement.

"This is why you don't have any friends." Lizzie headed to the exit.

"Lizzie-" Hope tried to take it back but the siphon was out of the room, slamming the door behind her without actually touching it.

"Fuck." yelled the tribrid and let her body fall into the bed, digging her face into the pillow.

You shouldn't have talked to her like that. She didn't do anything wrong. You punished her for your sick mind. Just forget about it. Never gonna happen. Landon is still in danger. That's what matters.

And with that thought, Hope fell asleep.

         *        *        *

The next morning found the tribrid covered in her sheets, unwilling to get out in the world, face the fact that Landon was dead. And then the memory of the fight she had with Lizzie the previous night came back, making her much more reluctant to leave her bed. That was Hope's thing. Pushing everyone away. The fear of losing them, made her determined not to get close to them in the first place. But it wasn't always easy. That's what happened with Landon. He made her let her walls down, fall in love with him. And then she started opening up to other people. First was Alaric, then Josie, Raf. Hell, even Lizzie. Lizzie.. But as always, Hope was right, even immortal beings can find a way to die eventually. But Landon wasn't going to be one of them. She wouldn't let him be. He was her first love. She loved him more than words could express. But she had to be honest with herself. She wasn't in love with him anymore. Hadn't been in a while. And that was the thing she was most feeling guilty about. It was never him. Whenever Hope had to choose between Landon and someone else, it was never him. But this time would be different. She would put Landon above her feelings, her desire for someone else. This time, she wouldn't stop until she made sure he was safe.

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