Chapter 13 - Every dog has its day

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"Hey!" Hope sounded a bit confused yet intrigued, seeing the siphon on the other side of the door. She wasn't expecting any visitors but she wasn't complaining. "Everything okay?"

"Can I come in?" Lizzie asked scratching her elbow.

"Like you've ever needed permission." the older girl joked and made space for the girl to come through.

"I'm gonna stay here tonight." she announced, ditching her bag on the bed.

"Oh, okay.." Hope returned seemingly innocent but the hint of a smile forming on the edge of her mouth made Lizzie pout.

"Don't think for a second this is because we spent half a day together and now I'm ready to leave my toothbrush in the cup in front of your mirror, my sister kicked me out to bone Jade, so I don't have anywhere else to sleep, okay?" she spat out in one breath like she had to justify herself.

"I didn't say anything." the tribrid raised her hands in surrender.

"Right." Lizzie relaxed, remembering she didn't have to be so defensive around the girl anymore.

"So.. Josie's gonna go through with it, huh?" Hope asked, in reality just to change the subject.

"Is this a real question? Like, you want to sit here and start this conversation with me?" Lizzie said annoyed and maybe a little bit jealous.

"Okay, I'll just stop talking, then." she returned feisty and lied down on her bed, completely disregarding the blonde's attempt to say something.

Half a day. That's how long it took for Lizzie to screw it up. Congrats, idiot. She wavered a bit, before she walked up to the bed and sat down on the side opposite to Hope's, with her back facing the lying girl. She needed to say things she didn't want to be observed while saying.

"I am in a weird mood.. I took it out on you and I shouldn't have. I don't want to be like that, not with you anyway." Lizzie started, making the tribrid finally acknowledge her presence again. "It's like a coping mechanism, whenever something seems like it's going well in my life, I feel this urge to sabotage it, until it's completely ruined. And the truth is, I had such good time with you today, my organism probably wouldn't be able to function without some drama." she slightly chuckled nervously in the last sentence. She wanted so badly to turn around and see Hope's reaction but she didn't. "That's all." she remarked just to encourage the other girl to say something, anything.

"Okay." is all Hope opened her mouth to say, sitting in the middle of the bed on her knees behind the siphon.

Lizzie left a big amount of air she was holding in escape her lungs, hearing the tenderness in the girl's voice. Normally, this is the part where she would lie down on the bed next to her friend, like countless other times before and talk about anything that would come into her head. But this time was different. This time she wasn't just her friend and the tiny movement of lying back suddenly felt impossible. And what if Hope wasn't even comfortable with her in the bed? God, she didn't even ask her, just demanded to stay. What if she didn't even want her there and she's just too afraid to say anything?

It was like Hope could feel her panicking, because she reached out for her shoulder but when their skins touched it felt like electric shock went through Lizzie's entire body, making her jump on her feet.

"I- I'm gonna make a bed right here! Do you have any spare sheets and a pillow?" she claimed pointing at the floor, somewhere between the bed and Hope's desk.

"What?" the tribrid was startled, trying to figure out if she was serious or not.

"For my head, I wake up really stiff when I don't-"

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