Chapter 5 - Saving Hope

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Hope made her way into the tomb, examining every single inch of it. Close behind her were Jade and Mg, carrying Landon's body. They gently let it touch the ground next to the pit, and left the room to secure the perimeter. The tribrid made sure there was no danger before she sat on the step, next to her boyfriend.

"I know you can't hear me, but I need you to do something for me, okay? I need you to come back to me." she whispered in Landon's ear and placed a small kiss on his forehead.

She took out a needle, draw some blood from her vein and injected it to his neck, carefully. Her eyes were blurry from the tears, but she could hear something bubbling in the pit. She stood up immediately to take a look. As she was observing the black goo of darkness, a wooden stake flew across the room, penetrating her shoulder. Hope kneeled from the pain but she bit the bullet and took out the stake from the other side. She stood on her feet and turned around to see a zombie with no good intentions, moving towards her. 

"Of course it's a freaking zombie." Hope rolled her eyes.

Hope grabbed an axe she had noticed laying behind a coffin, when she'd walked in, and ran to the zombie. Her weapon touched the floor a few seconds after his head did. She hurried back to Landon, not realizing that two more were right behind her. They tried to contain her, when both their heads were brutally chopped of. Jade had her hands raised, holding one on each, grabbing them from the hair. She dropped them like a microphone and smiled at the tribrid.

"Well, this was fun." 

"Thanks." said Hope out of breath.

       *       *       *

"Where are they then, we are walking in bloody circles" roared the Necromancer.

"No, they're here. We are close." Chad stuttered stressful.

"Careful now, Chad, if this is some sort of game, you know you are bound to lose." he smirked.

"I saw them somewhere near." the young man reassured him.

"Lead the way."

Chad proceeded to do exactly that, when the Necromancer's hand passed through the boy's heart, or where his heart would be, if he wasn't made out of thin air. He turned terrified to face his master, whose veins were popping black, just like Josie's once had been.

"You, foolish boy, this is going to be the end of you, I will hunt you down like an animal and I-"

"No!" Chad was back at his cell, screaming and sweating in fear, "This can't be happening."

"Fuck. He knows." said Lizzie horrified. "I have to warn them."

"Wait. You can't-" Jo tried to stop her, blocking the entrance with her body. "We can text them."

"Jo get out of my way or, I swear to God, I'm gonna make you."

           *          *          *

The tomb was filled with brain-eaters that Hope and Jade would take care of, as Alaric and MG were fighting the ones outside. Suddenly the all dropped dead. The two girls came out to meet their headmaster.

"What happened?" Hope asked.

"Whatever it is, it can't be good. We better hurry." Alaric ordered.

"I'm right behind you." said Hope and got back in the tomb.

She grabbed Landon and began to move him into the pit when she heard heavy steps entering the door behind her. She turned around to face a furious Necromancer. Before she could react in any way, she saw Lizzie tiptoeing right next to him, raising her forefinger in front of her lips. Hope was confused but she obeyed. The siphon walked her way next to Hope,when the second realized Lizzie had done a protection spell on them, making them invisible to the Necromancer. The blonde pointed at Landon, as a sign they needed to quietly toss him into the pit. The two girls grasped the Phoenix and held him above the black liquid, when a knife scratched Lizzie's hand, a little too deep.

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