Chapter 17 - Something to remember

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"What happened? Why did you call me down here?" Hope asked her headmaster, when she arrived at the tunnels beneath the school.

"Because I just discovered where the monsters are coming from this time." said Alaric, pointing at the spot where the traveler's blood fountain once were.

"How long has this pit been here?" she questioned startled, seeing the puddle of black goo, like it was following her everywhere, today of all days.

"I'm guessing since we got Landon into the pit with your blood in his system. I must've forgotten it would be relocated. Up until two weeks ago it wasn't even a problem. I hadn't been in here since Mrs. Greasley and the triad's attack."

"But I remembered.. the whole time. I should've found it sooner." the tribrid blamed herself.

"Hey, at least now we know and we can stop the monsters before they even see us coming." he claimed in a comforting tone.

"That's not the only thing we'll be able to do." Hope's expression changed once it hit her; "We can get rid of the Necromancer once and for all! It's the only thing that can keep him away."

"I don't know, Hope, it sounds risky. And he hasn't bothered us in a while.."

"But he will! Landon's here, Chad is-" she gasped in the realization. "Chad! That's it! If he knew Chad is locked up in our cellar, he would be here in seconds. We would just have to let him know and-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down for a moment! Even if we managed to trick him into coming down here, how do we push him into the hole? He's powerful. And vengeful. I don't want to risk all these kids' safety for half a plan."

"But we have the element of surprise this time! We'll figure out the rest. C'mon, Dr. Saltzman, you know it's out best shot." she pushed a little more.

"Alright, fine." he wavered. "We'll think of a plan that we'll use only, I repeat, only if he attacks the school. Until then, we are dealing with the monster problem." he stated with his headmaster voice.

"Works for me. I'm going to call aunt Freya about some spells I think might help. If he attacks." she emphasized to convince him. "Will you be okay here by yourself?"

"You know I will." declared Ric, loading his crossbow. "Okay, better safe than sorry." he said giving her permission to proceed, knowing well she would have nonetheless.

"Okay." she nodded and headed to the door when the man's voice made her halt.

"Oh, and Hope? Happy birthday!"

               *              *              *

Lizzie took a big sip of her coffee and looked around the empty kitchen. Despite her efforts, she couldn't but wonder where the tribrid was and why she hadn't showed up in class earlier today. Today.. How bad she wanted to spend this day with the girl of the hour. But knowing her, she wouldn't even want to be celebrated. Especially with the blonde. The whole situation was a hot mess right now, just like the dark liquid in her cup she was twirling around her fingers for a while, unable to turn her focus on anything else.

"It's you, isn't it?" Landon shattered the siphon's thoughts from across the room. 

Lizzie couldn't even tell how long he'd been standing there. Didn't seem concerned about it either. "It's early, be more specific."

"The person she's in love with. It's you." he spat out cold.

"I don't know what you're talking about." she returned colder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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