A/N - Thank You!

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Hey y'all! I want to dedicate this chapter to everyone who as helped me in the development of the story. I know that without these people, the story would not be the same and as amazing as it is right now.

@mxdnight_owl  - Formerly known as OwlWolf22091, Owl was one of the first people to discover my story, comment, and vote on it. She was the one who actually gave me an idea for a sequel on this story. Later on in the story, she became the editor to fix my grammar and spelling errors, which I am eternally grateful for.

@stxrry_dreamer - Formerly known as _-America-Singer-_, the cover of the story could not be created without her. She has a graphics shop and when I looked through all the different creations she had made, I almost got jealous of he amazing talent and skill.

@notalert - When I was sick with the all known Covid-19, notalert sent me PM's, telling me to 'Get well soon' or 'I hope you get better', boosting my spirits during that particular hard time. Notalert even wrote a miraculous fanfic and sent it to me for me to read when I was bored/got better from the virus. No one knows this, but I began to cry tears of joy, since no one besides my family and one other friend would ever care that much.

@MarichatFur-ever - Without even knowing it, she was my friend in real life. She would in real life tell me all about this writer on Wattpad named Marichatislive and she said that she loved her writing. I was always going to be there for her and help her with her struggles, while she unknowingly praised me on my writing. Even though she is no longer here, I think of her often and wish she could see the ending to the story.

Anyone else who has followed me, commented, and/or voted on my story has helped me boost my will to finish the story. Without y'all, my story would not be where it is today. Thank you so much and for the last time on this story,

🐞Bug Out!🐞

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