well shit

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Thank you guys for reading my gratsu book!! By the way the song doesn't really for the chapter but I just like the song.

After Gray came in Natsu, he flopped down beside him and wrapped his arm around Natsu's waist and pulled him to his chest. Nastu wrapped his arms around Gray's neck. "I love you Gray." "I love you too Natsu." The moment was interrupted by loud banging on the door. "GRAAAAY, I'M COMIN FOR DAT ASS IF YOU DON'T GET OUT HERE!!!" The mighty Titiana screamed. "Oh shit! She heard us Gray!!" Before Gray could say anything, Erza busted through the door. Both Gray and Natsu were sweating profusely.

Natsu's pov

Oh crap, lord have mercy on me! "Natsu, Gray hurry up and put some clothes on so we may speak of this properly." Erza demanded.

Mini time skip

(Author's pov)

"Since when were you guys together?" Erza questioned. "Well since we first met... Me and Natsu liked each other when we met but we didn't know how to deal with those feelings. We would resort to acting like we didn't like each other just to hide the fact that we did. After I found out that Natsu was an omega I decided to confess to him." Gray answered. "Natsu your an omega?" Lucy asked. " Yes. " Natsu answered they stayed silent for a while. Till Lucy broke the silence. "Well did you guys at least use a condom?" If they weren't screwed before they were definitely screwed now because when Erza finds out they were planning on having a baby without telling her first... Well then lets pray Erza won't absolutely destroy them. "Um well me and Gray have been planning on having a baby for awhile and I wanted to tell the guild about me and Gray before I got pregnant but Gray definitely didn't use a condom." Natsu answered. Upon hearing this Erza turned to Gray. She looked infuriated"GRAAAAAAY!" Ezra yelled. Gray jumped out his own skin hearing her yell. " You better hope I don't rip your head off 'cause I will do it." "Y-yes ma'am." You could hear the fear in Gray's voice as he spoke. Before Erza could do anything Natsu interfered. "Erza I would appreciate it if you didn't kill Gray 'cause you know if I am pregnant I would want him to be there for me." Ezra let out a sigh as she agreed not to kill Gray.

Lucy's pov

I sure am glad that I'm not Gray right now, he look like he is about to shit bricks.



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