Chapter 1-The Assignment

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Nick and Ellie were a match made in heaven. they were the moon to each other's sun; they were the ying to each other's yang. The only problem? They didn't know the other person was feeling the same way. The whole office knew. Even Gibbs knew and that's saying something

*Ellie walks into the office*
Ellie: good morning. ahhh. today is gonna be an amazing day.
Nick : and why are you so happy for?
Ellie: me? oh well i may have gotten tickets FINALLY to a concert i've wanted to go to for ages.
Nick: concerts?
Ellie: don't judge me.
*Mcgee walk in*
Mcgee: We need to go to MTAC in 5 minutes we've got a new case and it's not a very pleasant one.

-5 minutes later-
Mcgee: Meet staff sergeant Matthew Wilkins. he was found dead in West Virginia this morning
Nick at this point isn't focused on what McGee is saying. For some reason his mind kept wondering to Ellie and why she was so excited for a concert. She was never excited about concerts
McGee: Nick & Ellie this killer has the exact M.O as one of your cases last year.
Ellie: The silver strangler?
Mcgee: yeah and this time? twice the silver
gibbs: we have a suspect but we need to you to go undercover
Nick: naturally it should be me. i mean i didn't dedicate 8 years of my life for nothing.
Mcgee: well...we actually need ellie for this one.
Ellie: what?
Mcgee: yeah. your skills are perfectly matched for the mission.
Ellie: how long will it be?
Mcgee: at least 6 months
Nick: WHAT?! i'm sorry what?
Ellie: wrong person saying what?!
Mcgee: yeah we need you to infiltrate the suspect, James Godfrey's inner circle however his circle only consists of 5 people so we need you to go deepcover.
Ellie: but what about my life?
Mcgee: that's gotta be put on hold. i'm sorry Ellie but your the only person that's close enough to the case but can still infiltrate the circle.
Ellie: when do i start?
gibbs: next month but training starts on monday.
Mcgee: Torres will be doing it with you because there's a different case that was assigned by the director for him.
Nick and Ellie : *awkwardly* erm ok

20 minutes later:
Nick and Ellie are out getting coffee and food.
Ellie: i can't believe this. now my concerts gone down the drain.
Nick: that reminds me. why are you so excited for this concert?
Ellie: well they're the first concert i ever saw and i saw them with you so i was going to ask you if you wanted to go with me but we quite obviously can't so yay.
Nick: *stumbles his words* me? y-you were g-going to ask me?
Ellie: yeah who else would wanna see Shakira with me?
Nick: Shakira? oh for goodness sake. this is what our jobs do to us.
Ellis: there's always a tour next time an album comes out.
Nick : i guess so. we'd better get back to the office.
*in his head*
she was going to ask me to a concert? wow my luck. the most gorgeous girl was going to ask me to see SHAKIRA. BUT OUR JOB IS STOPPING US. ughhhh

Ellie: nick you alright?
Nick: huh? oh yeah. i'm great
Ellie: oh ok

*ellie's head*
Wow. He is literally breathtaking. and i worked up the nerve to ask him to see Shakira after we got told we weren't allowed to go ? Sucks to be me.

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