Chapter 12- What Do We Do?

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So sorry for the late post! I've been dealing with my anxiety and it's not been very good!! however i thought maybe giving you all the chapter will help! I love you all and thank you so much for 1K reads 💕💗💘💞💖💓
James: *grabs Ellie when he is shot dead by NCIS snipers*

Ellie is in shock. She just saw the love of her life get shot.

Gibbs: ELLIE?!
Ellie: Gibbs? *runs and hugs him and is so emotional she can't get words out* Gibbs, Nick- Nick, he was shot and he fell in the water. what do we do?
Gibbs: I'll get a search team out for you to look for him but no guarantee

Ellie at this point is visibly distressed and was crying. It was almost as if the universe didn't want her to be happy.

*Later that night*
Gibbs calls Ellie
Gibbs: There's no sign of him. I'm sorry
Ellie: *cries* thank you for trying though *ends call*

*The next day*

Ellie lay in her bed. She could smell Nick's cologne and she was crying and crying. She missed him like crazy. But she had to head home.

*Ellie's phone starts ringing*

Ellie: *cleans her tears* H-Hello?
Nick: *is cracking up* Ellie?
Ellie: *starts crying* Nick?
Nick: Don't cry. I'm alive. I need medical care now. I'm by the hotel -Phone call ends-
Ellie: *begins hearing voices from outside and runs there*

She sees Nick lying on the floor with his gunshot wound and phone in his hand. She calls the emergency services and they take Nick.

After hours of surgery he comes out. He's survived. But the nurses tell him that he would be unresponsive for a few hours because of the drugs

Ellie: *starts crying and breaths* you're ok.
*gets a phone call of Gibbs*
Gibbs: Ellie, Is Nick ok?
Ellie: he's good he's just sleeping for now.
Gibbs: ok good. Godfrey is dead. He was going to kill you both because he found about the 2 of you being undercover. He somehow found your NCIS identities through the secret service But your safe now.
Ellie: Well i don't care, as long as he's dead and Nicks ok
Gibbs: I'll call you later. Stay with Nick.
Ellie: Ok. *ends call*

after around 5 hours Nick wakes up.

Nick: Ellie?
Ellie: Nick! *she hugs him gently* I was so scared that you'd go.
Nick: Listen, I'd never leave you. I love you too much.
Ellie: *smiles* I love you.
Nick: Does that means we're dating?
Ellie: sure i guess. but i want you to get better first.
Nick: ok that's good because i've imagined our first date too many times.
Ellie: wOaH, don't jump too far into the future. let's focus on getting you better first but we'll go on it when your cleared for active duty again
Nick: Ok *kisses Ellie*
Ellie: *kisses him back*
Nick: You realise our first kiss was on a Love Lock Bridge?
Ellie: huh, we didn't even get a lock to lock onto the bridge, but we're still in Prague and we can get a padlock anywhere.
Nick: Are you thinking what i'm thinking?
Ellie: Lets eat!! No i'm just joking, we'll do it when they discharge you. i promise
Nick: *smiles*
Ellie: wait, i've just realised . How the hell did you get to the hotel and then collapse there?
Nick: i honestly don't remember. all i remember is finding a phone cause mine was destroyed and your number was the only one I knew
Ellie: aww. well that's sweet. Ok, i'm gonna let you rest. *kisses his forehead and sits in the chair to watch Netflix*

after 2 weeks nick was discharged from the hospital in Prague, ellie fulfilled her promise and they put a padlock on the bridge and then they headed back home to DC.

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