Chapter 4- She's been hit

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ellie: *whispers* oh my lord. what the hell is going on ?
nick and ellie slowly creep away from the armed assailants
nick: they're armed.
ellie: i am are you?
nick: yeah i learnt after last time.
suddenly a box of files falls
ellie: they're behind us aren't they?
armed assailant one: yes they are.
nick: RUN!!!
nick and ellie run and hide when ellie realises she's been hurt
ellie: i'm hurt.
she glances to see if she could find the armed assailants
nick: ellie it's bad. you could bleed out
ellie: well what do we do? we can't even get help!
nick: ok let's stop the bleeding first
he gets a handkerchief out of his pocket and ties it around ellie.
ellie: thank you.
suddenly machine fire begins firing at them.
ellie: Nick i'm hit. oh my god
nick starts firing bad and hits both assailants
nick: ellie!!
nick manages to break the door and starts shouting for help. suddenly, sloane and Gibbs come down.

sloane: what's happened?
nick: *emotional* ellie's been hit
Gibbs begins to call an ambulance
ellie is completely flushed out and nick takes his jacket to help stop the bleeding.
at this point ellie has lost consciousness.

10 minutes later

ellie and nick are at the hospital with Jack and Gibbs

Nurse: we need to take her into emergency surgery. now!
nick lets go of ellie hand and waits with sloane and gibbs

nick: do you think she'll be ok?
sloane: ellie's a fighter she'll make it through
gibbs: nick you need to stay here. me, jack and mcgee will start investigating what happened.
nick: ok thank you

sloane and gibbs leave.

3 hours later

nurse comes out of surgery

nurse: she's made it. she was incredibly lucky that it wasn't any closer.
nick: can i see her.
nurse: no she's asleep but she'll be ok
nick: ok i'll come tomorrow
nurse: ok

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