Chapter 13: The First Date

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love you all stay safe and listen to the COVID-19 guidelines in your country! The UK is starting to get back on its feet so proud!! anyway i'm gonna let you get to the next chapter hehe <3
After 4 months of rehab and fitness, Nick was cleared for active duty again. Ellie was so excited for her first date with Nick. They'd both dreamt of this moment. Nick had kept Ellie in the dark about this because he wanted it to be a surprise. He wasn't going to blow it like that time he dropped coffee lmao. All Ellie knew was to wear a nice dress and heels.

Nick: *takes Ellie and holds her hand*
Ellie: Nick where are we going? *begins go hear music* I swear if it's a club i will dump you right now.
Nick: It's not exactly a club ?
Ellie: I'm sure what you've planned will be nice since you've had 4 months to plan it.
Nick: *laughs* don't worry!
Ellie: Alright i trust you.
*They walk into a building where everyone was eating and Salsa dancing*
Ellie: you brought me Salsa Dancing?
Nick: I can Tango so why not Salsa?
Ellie: *pokes him gently in the ribs* How did you know i wanted to go dancing?
Nick: a GuEsS? no i'm joking. I may have heard you telling your mom when you stayed over one night.
Ellie: ahhh ok. *smiles* can we eat first ?
Nick: ok then!

After about an hour they began to dance. It was really romantic. Like really romantic. Bloody hell I'm tearing up! They danced and were even voted as the best dancers that night. They stay on the dance floor until most people leave.

Nick: *spins Ellie around* did you enjoy the date?
Ellie: *smiles and follows Nick's lead* I did. it was amazing. Thank you. *kisses him*
Nick: *kisses back* ok because there's one more surprise at my house.
Ellie: oooh. Another surprise. I like that. You better take me.

Nick and Ellie leave and they just talk about how amazing that first date was. When they reach Nick's house, Ellie changes into a pretty pyjama set that she had at Nicks house because she has been staying there to look after Nick and then goes downstairs to Nick. Nick covers her eyes.

Ellie: Nick where are we going?
Nick: *Covers Ellie's eyes* don't worry, relax. you trust me right
Ellie: *sarcastically* I can't trust you to not get yourself killed
Nick: Ok that's nice. *laughs*

Nick takes Ellie into a beautiful room with a large teepee tent in fairylights. It looks picturesque. It was filled with snacks and drinks and it had their favourite tv show: Legends Of Tomorrow.

Nick: we're here *lets Ellie see the tent*

Ellie's breath was taken away. Wow. Nobody had ever put so much thought and care into a date. Ever.

Ellie: *kisses Nick* this is beautiful.
Nick: *kisses back* I knew you'd love it. *takes her hand and takes her into the tent*
Ellie: this is so cute and comfy. I love it.
*starts fangirling* oh my gosh. You got legends in here!! We can finally catch up!!
Nick: I love you.
Ellie: I love you too.

They sit and just watch tv together. You know it was really sweet moment. they just sat there laughing and crying at Legends Of Tomorrow for hours and hours until they've watched all the seasons. Later, Ellie fell asleep on Nick's shoulders. It was basically like every cliché romance movie but it was sweeter than sweet. They both end up falling asleep until the next morning when Ellie hear the doorbell go.

Ellie: *is startled* OH CRAP. what time is it?
Nick: *is half asleep* i think about 8:00 but it's Saturday. why?
Ellie: i swear i just heard the doorbell go
Nick: Are you sure?
Ellie: definitely. i'm not stupid.
Nick: I'll go check.
Ellie: ok *rubs her eyes*
Nick: *opens the door and gets knocked out*
Ellie: *hears a thud* what the hells going on ?

She walks out to find Nick laying on the floor knocked out and a familiar face: Her ex- husband Jake.

Jake: *has a villainous smile on his face* Hello Ellie *knocks Ellie out and kidnaps her. He drops a note for Nick*
Nick: Ellie are you ok? *looks for Ellie* Ellie? Ellie!!

He sees a note left on the floor for him. It reads:
"Sorry Nick but Ellie's mine."
- Jake

Nick: oh no. no. no. no.
*Nick rings Gibbs*
Ellie's been kidnapped

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