Chapter 6- I Almost Told Him

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Ellie: hey kase
kasie: hey ellie, you ok?
ellie: i- i need the forensics for the silver strangler case.
kasie: oh yeah i'll get them.
Kasie realises something is wrong with bishop.
kasie: bishop you ok?

nick is getting the case files and he notices ellie and kasie talking to each other. they both don't realise and continue talking

ellie: it's nick. i- i can't stop my feelings for him. it's literally eating me up
kasie: oh dang. ellie the best thing to do is tell him
ellie: i almost told him. when i was in the hospital. we were just goofing around and i was about to tell him when his phone rang. by then the moment had well and truly been lost.
kasie: this sounds like some middle school shenanigans but you have to tell him. i won't say a word i promise but you have to.
ellie: but the op starts on monday and we're going to be together the whole weekend working this case. i won't have time.

nick slowly walks backwards to make sure he's out of sight. he then calls for bishop.

nick: hey bishop, have you got the forensics?
ellie: oh yeah kasie was just telling me something
kasie: yeah sorry something with my family. anyway enjoy your friday

kasie looks at ellie and mouths "DO IT!"

ellie and nick walk out of the lab and they walk in silence to the conference room.

ellie: before we start we need to decide who's place we're going to be working from. yours or mine?
nick: i don't mind
ellie: well i don't either. i guess rock paper scissors ?
nick: fine *does it and wins* AHAHA!
ellie: ugh i should've gone with paper. i guess it's my place then.
nick: ok then. *he suddenly gets nervous* i guess we'd better start this before it gets too much and we work all of the weekend.
ellie: ok then

after 2 long hours of reading and laughing it hit 6:00pm.

ellie: we'd better go before we forget to
nick: yeah. i just need to get some clothes from home and then i'll meet you there
ellie: um sure.
nick: i'll see you in an hour

nick goes to pick his phone up when he realises how close he is to ellie. he would do anything right now to tell her his feelings. to kiss her right now. to hug her again. but he picks up his phone and leaves
ellie: bye

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