Chapter 9- Murder Is On The Cards

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James: I need you to take out the this man *shows them a picture of the governor of Virginia*
Ellie: The governor of Virginia?
Nick: Well what's the reason?
James: He has called for all navy ships to be stopped and searched for drugs, amo etc. My navy guys are bringing them in however it cannot be signed off until the governor signs of on the bill. He signs this on Wednesday Night.
Ellie: so we've got until wednesday night to kill him?
james: no tomorrow night.
nick: well that's too short notice.
james: well you'd better fucking find a way.
*James is about to leave*
James: and also there'll be $10 million waiting for you in Switzerland when you've completed the job.
*James leaves*

Ellie: *waits until James has left* Well what do we do? we can't let them kill the governor of Virginia?!
Nick: What do we do?
Ellie: I don't know but it looks like there's about to be a raid on the party.
*they both leave quickly through the backways*

They're sitting in the car, driving back to their new home. The abandoned houses near headquarters provided perfect access in and out of NCIS.

*on the car ride to the abandoned houses*
Ellie: how did you actually deal with being undercover for so long?
Nick: I did some pretty unspeakable things just to maintain cover. i'd never want you to know or anyone to be honest.
Ellie: yeah but how did you deal with being away from family and friends?
Nick: I guess I just never thought about them. that sounds horrid but it's what's best.

*they arrive at the safe house*
Ellie: these abandoned houses are so freaking cool.
*they walk inside*
Nick: we need to contact HQ. they need to know about the threat. I'm going to go do that; you freshen up.
Ellie: ok then. *she walks away and goes to freshen up*
Nick: *calls Gibbs off a burner phone* Gibbs? It's Torres. We've made contact and we know what Godfrey wants. he wants the governor of virgina dead. * Nick then goes onto explain everything that happened*
Murder is on the cards Gibbs and we need to lose it ASAP.
Gibbs: Well, you and Bishop need to think of something fast. we can notify the governor and his office and let him know.
Nick: ok goodbye *ends the call and then goes to check on Ellie who is sitting on her bed researching*
Nick: Ellie what are you doing ?
Ellie: *scraps her hair into a ponytail* trying to find any weaknesses on James. We don't actually have to kill anyone do we?
Nick: *LEGIT HOLDS HER FREAKING HAND AGAIN* definitely not. it's not an option. we have to save the innocent lives.
Ellie: *is visibly worried* ok. i honestly can't believe i signed up for this. i'm getting so worried about it. why did i choose this.
Nick: Well it's too late to back out now
*suddenly a banging on the door begins and Nick and Ellie both take out their guns*
Ellie: Come on
*Nick and Ellie creep towards the door*
Nick: Ready
Ellie nods her head
Nick: Ok. 3...2...1

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