Chapter 7

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-- TW: Uhm slight throwing off a balcony so attempted murder Idk if that's a TW so take this. Blood too --

Doc: Grabbing my elytra I strapped it on, grabbing some rockets I leapt off my base, launching into the direction of the Futuristic bases.


PoV: Docm77 (Doc)

I saw the base up ahead, I launched another rocket. The wind kept me up high enough to dive down and gain speed. I dived down into the base, looking around I headed to the next floor where everyone was.

I ran up to them, ' What happened. ' I asked coldly.
' Weird symbol on his arm. ' Scar showed me.

' What does it mean? ' I asked.
' I don't know, xisuma said a story and left. ' Tango said.

' Huh. ' I said, when Grian is better I'll make him tell me, I decided.
That is when mumbo isn't around him. 
I waved bye, launching off, grinning.

--- Time skip 2 weeks ---

PoV: Grian


I stood out on my balcony, whistling unaware of the events soon to come.
I kept that symbol hidden, unknowing of the hermits knowing about my mark.
The jumper I was wearing kept me warm in the cold autumn air.
I heard fireworks fire off nearby, I willed my wings to go into my back to disappear from the person oncoming.

The person landed, I turned around. " Oh hi, Doc. " I said calmly.

" Hello, Grian. " Doc said gruffly blocking the door.
He had obviously come here to threaten me as I was 'cornered'
" What do you need. " I said, evasive.

" Tell me. " He grabbed my arm where the mark was and I yelped, shocked.
How did he know!?

" What is this mark. " He pulled up the sleeve of my jumper revealing the mark I looked at it.
" You wouldn't understand. " I said calmly.

" Tell me now! " He said getting closer and I stepped back until the railing hit my back and Doc grinned. 
" Oh Grian, where is your elytra~ " Doc said dragging the elytra part.
I gulped, knowing what he was doing as he pushed me closer.

" Doc, this isn't you. "
" Hmmm?? What isn't me? This isn't you " He replied.
I leapt up on the railing and he smirked grabbing me by the collar of my jumper, memories flashed in my head and I whimpered. Doc snickered before hanging me over the edge by my arm.

" Wh- What are you doing! " I yelped at the high place I was in.
I wasn't that worried because of well, my wings but he couldn't see them.
" Tell me, what is that mark. " Doc snapped.

I whimpered.
" It's just a family mark! " I said making up a quick lie.
" Oh, well now I know. " Doc said,
" I don't believe you. " Doc grunted, hanging me more over the edge, clear fear in my blue eyes.
He removed a finger making me yelp as his grip started to loosen.

" Whoops. " He said as he let me go.

The sharp air hit me and I screamed in shock.
I was falling swiftly.
I heard more rockets being shot and I felt two hands grab my arm, there was two and the other grabbed my legs carrying me down.

They set me down and I stumbled grabbing onto a tree to regain my thoughts and, balance.
" I swear Doc! " Someone said as I looked at them, Iskall! Mumbo was beside me worried.
Iskall was yelling at Doc, how Doc got down, I do not know.


" Doc, what is your reason for this? " Mumbo asked.
" The mark. " Doc said, Iskall looked at Doc clearly pissed. 
" SO! YOU THROW HIM OFF A BALCONY TO FIND OUT SOMETHING ABOUT HIM THAT'S PROBABLY CLOSE TO HIM!!! " Iskall shouted, drawing attention to them as other hermits came.

" What's the problem? " Someone said, with a helmet on.
" Oh thank god you're here Xisuma. " Mumbo said relived.

I sat down, telling them what happened on the balcony.

-- Time skip brought to you by Tom, he says hi! \0.0/ --

Xisuma nodded, summoning a portal.
" Docm77 I ban you from Hermitcraft season 6. " Xisuma said.

-- TW HERE --

Doc growled launching at Xisuma with a sword but I leapt into the way, It hit my arm as I yelped.
The blood flowed from my arm freely, I got a bit dizzy as Mumbo rushed to me and held me bridal style, Xisuma growled as Etho landed, at least he healed. Etho looked at me with blood and at Doc with the sword.

Etho growled with a bow and arrow, he drew it and shot at Doc, it hit his arm drawing a dot of blood and Doc got pushed back into the portal.
False rushed to me carrying me as she applied bandages on the spot and gave me a potion of healing.

" He'll just need rest. " False said, Mumbo nodded and flew me back home.

--tw end, safety! --

-- POV Doc -- 

I was pushed back into the portal, a sense of falling overwhelmed me as I landed on a hard stone floor, everything was black and white, I saw, wait, Grian!? With 2 other people, he looked sad as they placed a mask on him, I got closer and one person made a mark, it looked the same!

Grian yelped as wings came out, the other person that put the mask on took it off and was confused, I don't know why but they both looked confused.

'' How are the wings still there? '' one said.
" Don't know. " the second said.

" He must be powerful. "
" I can sense it. He will come with great use, isn't that right Xelqua? "
Grian looked calm as he nodded.

The place faded and whirled away as I landed on wood floors, everything looked normal although there was 2 people that looked the same in the memory.

" Welcome, Docm77. "
" We have been expecting you. "
" We know where you were had Xel- Grian. "
" Yes, we could sense him. "
" Join us, and you can get your revenge. "
" My revenge? " 
" Yes, didn't they ban you? You can get your revenge and we can get X- Grian. "
" Do you accept? "

" I do. "
I felt something get put on my face, I couldn't move. 
I wasn't in control.

" Welcome new member red "



sorry for making Doc a jerk
Or was it him?

next chapter next week :D

Word count: 1084

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