chapta 8

336 24 34

Previously: " I do. "

I felt something get put on my face, I couldn't move.
I wasn't in control.

" Welcome new member red "



Pov: 3rd person (hehe what if I told you this was a person >:3)

At the watcher's lair, Doc, or should I say Red, lay on the floor growling and whimpering for a fight of the mind, who will win.
The two watchers, Blue and Green sat patiently waiting.
Red got up, grinning evilly.

" Welcome, red. " Green spoke, a chilling voice that would make anyone wince.
Blue nodded, " Come, I will show you around. " Blue then got up, their cape flowing out behind them with a purplish glow. Red followed getting a tour.

Green nodded a goodbye, walking to his office and began to work on the code of the Hermitcraft server.

Meanwhile, in Hermitcraft, Xisuma noticed the code changing and he fixed it with a battle, whooping in victory he denied access from the hacker's area. With Grian, he lay unconscious in his base, asleep. False sat in a chair in light sleep, in case anything happened.

Back at the Watcher's lair, Green sighed in frustration as Green got banned, Green would have to figure out something else to get to Hermitcraft. With Blue and Red, Blue went to a spare room, opening the door Blue showed Red his new room.

' Well, there's your tour. '  Green told Red, Red nodded in thanks as he shooed Green out as Green was chuckling. Red sighed collapsing on the bed.

' I am Doc. I am Doc ' Doc/Red said trying to remember, so far, Red was winning.
Doc was losing, he tried to grip on the last hold of his memories before they, too, faded away.
' What where am I? ' Doc said, gaining control for a few seconds.

The memories faded away, Doc was in a blank slate.

' Who, am I? '

With Grian, he woke up clutching his arm in pain and yelped as he shot up.
False jumped up to Grian, trying to calm him down as memories came up and went back down.
Grian panted, trying to escape False's grasp as False grabbed her communicator typing a quick ' help grians ' into the chat.

Everyone saw it and all the Hermits rushed to get some fireworks and fly over.

Tango, Scar, Zedaph, Bdubs, Cleo, Stress, Iskall and Mumbo all came.
Mumbo tried to calm down Grian, thankfully, it worked.
Etho yawned, waking up for the first time.

--- PoV: Grian ---

--- Time skip 3 weeks brought to you by Joe Hills ---

I stood next to Xisuma watching his computer and the server code actively changing in a neverending battle. I sighed, an idea of whom it is in my mind I paced the room as Xisuma's furious typing echoed in the room.

' Do you have any idea of who it is? ' Xisuma asked, still furiously typing. I looked at the code changing than at X's helmet.
' I'm pretty sure I've got an idea of whom it is. ' I said, trying to be evasive.

' Oh? ' X said.
I sighed sadly, 

' The Watchers. ' 


ono how will they survive through this neverending crisis of a book

I just wanted a cliff hanger hehe

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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