Beat Me Black And Blue

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"Buy milk."

"You piece of shit, you can't do anything right. Why can't you be more like your sister?"


"All you had to do was buy some goddamn milk. You can't even do that right."


"You're a disgrace to this world."

Pain. Pain. Pain.

Edge screamed.

Asvaldur was fast asleep, and Janna took care of Edge.

She bathed his wounds gently, her heart breaking a little more from each wince and whimper that escaped her dear son. He never complained, and never accused her of not stopping Asvaldur's actions. He was grateful she even risked herself this much, showing him this much love and affection.

She finished bandaging up the new gashes and he dried himself off. He dressed himself slowly, as not to cause more pain than he was already experiencing.

Janna headed down to the kitchen while she waited, heating up a glass of milk. Edge arrived after a bit and thanked her quietly. He took a large sip and sighed, slumping in his chair.

His mother hugged him from behind, wishing that her arms would be enough to protect him from the world. Edge sipped at his milk slowly, letting the warmth heal him.

Upon finishing, he washed the glass himself, ignoring Janna's offer to do it for him. He felt it was a tiny thing he could do to repay her kindness.

It hurt her, knowing that Edge felt as though he owed her something. She takes care of him because she loves him, and wants to do anything she can to make his life more bearable.

He hugged her tightly, not letting go for a while.

Janna blinked back tears. Hugs like this always got to her. She'd shared hugs like this with Edge since he was a baby. She so fiercely wished to protect him, but Asvaldur wouldn't even acknowledge Edge's existence in conversation.

On the few occasions she'd physically attempted to stop her husband, Asvaldur screamed at her, hitting at her and cursing out Edge. Janna would always beg for him to stop, pleading in tears but the man had insatiable rage towards their innocent son.

Another thing that tore Janna up was that her darling Edge was taller than her now, in high school too. Her baby boy was growing up, but had never received the childhood he deserved. She regretted and regretted but in the end, there was nothing she could do. She swore she'd support Edge in building his perfect future, and she does.

Her baby boy had a boyfriend now, and she loved seeing them together. They made each other so happy. She loved the way Lance made Edge smile.

"I love you so much, Edge," she whispered, squeezing his hands. "No matter what that failure of a man does to you. I love you more than he'll ever be able to break you. You are loved, Edge. By me, by your brother, and by your sister. By your boyfriend, your friends, your friends' families. So stay strong."

Edge smiled through tears that had begun to leak down his cheeks.

"I promised I'd protect you, but I can't. Not nearly as much as I want to. I will, however, always be here for you."

"I love you too, Mama..." Edge sobbed softly, and she gently pulled away from him, wiping away his tears.

"You're so strong, Edge. You may not think so, but you're still here. You haven't given up."

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