Chapter Twelve

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I felt like I've been sleeping forever ,my body was so heavy and I felt so weak. Like I'm a melting cheese and I can't do anything about it.

I can't remember what happened to me. I knew I'm awake yet I can't grasp the feeling that I'm really, really awake.

The silence was so eerie it's unnerving.

I died right?....

Then as a freaking slideshow placed in my head. I suddenly remembered everything ,that I died because of a bomb on my apartment.

I groan yet i didn't hear it ,when a massive headache hit me like it hates me. I tried to moved my hands to my head to massage it yet it felt heavy ,like I suddenly weight 500 tons.

Then i felt it ,a warm yet soothing fingers was doing circling motion to my palm and caressing my cheeks softly.

I moved my fingers and hold the hand that giving me a peaceful feeling.
It suddenly stopped and withdraw it's hand like I just lit it with fire.
Then a shuffling ,someones' holding my face ,my arms, my hands ,my head. Like it doesn't know where I should be touched.

Then it's gone. I feel cold.

I'm dreaming but I'm dead right? Where am I?

A slamming vibration made my headache worst. Then a feeling of uncertainty and tension.
My hair from the back of my neck stood up, I'm feeling eyes on me.

A rough yet warm hands held my hands and it gave me bolt of electricity. It's unnerving but the effects it's giving me was surprisingly good. I feel safe.

I'm not dead!

Then it was gone again.

They're people watching me and they're frantically moving.

I slowly opened my heavy eyelids. I'm beginning to feel disoriented by the moving and my bed shake when a body hit it.

What's happening?

The scene in front of me was really not a good thing to see after waking from a long sleep.

Alex, Dylan, Nicco was fighting Xander. They ganged him up like a bully and they're shouting but I can't hear it.

I can't hear it...

I can't.....

I felt something stuck up my throat.


I can feel my heart beating to my ears it's weighing me down.
I'm hyperventilating. My breath uneven and I'm now clutching my aching heart.

"Stop..." I murmured in a hoarse low voice.

They immediately stopped and faced me with wide shocked eyes.

The door slammed open and a terrified doctor came in with three nurses trailing him.

He barked ,looking like angry bull father and pointed fingers to his four immature bull children. He even pointed me with worry.

The four immature men looked at me scared and with regret. A nurse helped me and injected something to the IV.

I saw the men slowly getting out the room but Xanders' lingering and longing look made me wanna squirm.
He even mouthed 'I miss you' and my heart quicken more but this time it was a overwhelming feeling.

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