chapter 17 : tension

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welp my best frend begged me to malke a chapter. poop.



ian kept a eye on on katlyn while driving seeing her move slighty.

'i-ian?'  she asked reaching out her bloodly hand.

'put your hand down!  you will lose more blood than you already do.' ian said.

'im s-sorry ian' is all she said then blacked out.

-while at the delghburg household-

adam stood there. shaking. mitch and jason were crying but adam didnt shed a tear. 

adam didnt blink. only staired at the blood on the floor. he made his life on youtube - to make people smile because he didnt have the greatest but teh worse childhood and only to make her do this?

he made katlyn unhappy - even cut.

he made her suffer. he still had 10,000,000 people happy, but one not? his life carrer as not been filled yet.

he cryed harder. than anyone, falling towards to ground on his knees, face in hands, tears speeping though bettween his fingers.

all boys stoped crying.   tears still running down there faces, they never saw adam cry.

adam fell backwards back hitting the floor -  knees still bended , bottom of shoes on the floor. tears runing down his face.

all the team looked at him. he was the leader of the team. he never gave up on anybody. not even katlyn.

-back at ians car-

driving faster than the word 'fast' he did not stop. soon he found the hosptal and pulled in.

carrying her in, he sreamed for help. many nurses came over and took her from his arms. his arms slowly falling to his side, he stoke his hands in his jacket pockes and shuffled his feet to a waiting chair.

stuffing his hand into his face, he shed some tears himself. his bestfriend could lose her life.

15 mintues passed, no one said a word to him.

at lease until the group  came runinng in. ian looked up seeing adam holding the doors while everone behind him. 

adam ran towards ian.

'WHERE IS SHE!' adam sreeched in his ear

ian push adam off him. 'nowhere you need to know!'


'yeah she wont because she will be with me and i'll be out of here!' ian yells inches from adam face.

'no she wont!' adam yelled slaping ians face.

ians face to side he slowly touched it.

'sir? are you here for katlyn lambert?' a nurse in light blue asked.

'yes.' both adam and ian said in sync

'room 743 floor 3' she said

within mintues they were in hr room.

katlyn was crying.

'kat? you here?' ian asked knocking on the door, going in.

she looked up.

ams opened wide. they hugged.

adam grew a little sad and jealous.

ian kissed katlyns forehead. 'dont do that i thought i lost you!' ian whispered to her

adam pushed ian off of the hug and gave him a glare.

wow you say tension?


im only doing it for her.

thanks benja. my fingers and im sick. meanie :P

The Never Forever - Book 2 Of 'My Brothers Bestfriend' (Currently Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now