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Something will Be Done.



she called my name. i raced down the stairs to her 'office'. i entered the dark room only with one light shinging above her desk, layed her plans.

'come. sit.' she said.

i sat down in a metal chair, whilch was very old. her hair was very messy. along with her clothes. 'i need you me something.' she said.

'what?' i asked, scared of her 'task'

' i need you to..take this two people' se said, sliding two photo's near me.

'but why?' i asked. big mistake.

she sat up straight up and circled my chair in the dark room.

'why?' she asked

'yeah why? i dont know why you make me do these things' i said, taking a stand.

'because im your mother, now go get them!' she slaped me. i ran off, not sheading a tear untill i was in the car.

if you stood up, you get one. the street told me.

if you cryed, you get two. the street told me.

if you yelled, you got three. the street told me.

i drove off, i must find will help. hopfuly.

Katlyn's P.o.v

i sat on my bed, talking to adam on the phone. we were dissgusting when we will be going back to L.A to see the 'past team'

'but yeah that's when we might be seeing th- what the heck?' i heared from the other line.

'what? what's going on?' i asked worryingly.

'there's a black van that's parked infront of my house..' adam said.

'well are they getting out?' i said

''s just one person though..' he said.

'wait a second...' he said placing the phone on the table.

'ok..' i said, waiting...

after about 20 minutes, he had not come back to the phone. i was waiting there, worryed. i wasnt sure to call the cops or not because this may not be that case.

then suddenly the phone sounded like being picked up.

i heared nothing more but a sudden crash then.


i took the phone from my ear, who was that? what was that crash? i became over worryed.

'IAN!' i yelled. no answer.

'ian!' i yelled again. no answer.

i sighed. i got up and walked around the whole house. he wasnt there.

'hmf' i said.

i went back to my spot and picked up my phone and dialed ian's number.

one ring...

two ring....

three rimg...

four ring....

It Just went to voicemail, i bothered to listen to it.

'hey im sorry i couldn't get to you, im probably hanging out with lance or Katlyn. see ya!' it ended.

Ok Nothing Was Right Here.

The Never Forever - Book 2 Of 'My Brothers Bestfriend' (Currently Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now