Chapter 24 : BLOCKED.

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 Sorry for not uploading for a while, i just brain fart.






and few month's later....

Katlyn and ian had went back to north carliona, not seeing or saying goodbye to the 'team' but only in messages.                  
nothing came of them, they had moved on from the past kiss..

Of corse, like expected, they did work, ian mostly youtube. while ian's money from youtube fitted them both, katlyn stayed home with him.

usaully after every video they would go to the movies or go to eat, in a FRIENDLY GUESTURE.

katlyn started to write in a dairy or type journal, keeping plan's or how she felt that day.

or corse ian didnt know about it.

Picture this. beautiful day, not too hot for north carliona, no rain , no clouds, the sun was shining brightly. it was all down hill from there.

she sat up in her bed, cruled up in a ball, with dairy in her shaking hand as yloud yelling from downstairs. she cryed.

she opened to a new page in her 'dairy' she began to write, her hand shaking making the writing almost unable to read.

to whom it may concern

'july 27, 2014

i was wrong, he came back. and he's not happy. im locked up in my room, almost scared to come out. , there fighting. its dark , im cold and scared. please help'

she wrote. she set the lether top book on top of the night stand, next to her lamp.

her head hanged low as she hear to two men fight.

now if you hadnt noticed, this man was Adam.

a few days ago....

katlyn and ian along with his friend, lance, they all went to the movie , arguing all the way there of what movie there going to watch.

'NO! WERE SEEING INTO THE WOODS!' katlyn yelled at lance, who wanted to see 'the interview'

'SIKE! YOU THOUGHT!' lance shouted. there fight in the back seat, as ian drived.

ian chulked.

'w-what's so funny ian?' katlyn said crossing her arm's

'it funny because i got three tickets for 'gone girl' so..your both wrong!' ian laughed.

'i dont think im your bff anymore' katlyn said making a pouting face.

Ian laughed.

'you'll be fine' ian said turning right on the road.

'hmf' is all she said.

lance did the same.


'were here.' ian said stopping the car in a parking space.

katlyn (from the back seat) reached out her arms over ian's neck.

'lance i'll choke him out, grap the tickets and runnn' katlyn wishpered to lance.

ian laughed, quickly siwped katlyns hands and twisted them the other way. not the good way.

'OW!' she yelled hitting ian's head with the back of her hand, not too hard.

ian laughed and rubbed his head.

soon they got out of the car and whent inside the theather, getting free wifi

they sat down at a mini table, they would have to wait because the movie started in 30 minutes.

ian got popcorn. of corse didnt share it.

after 10 mintues, they were on there phone's. katlyn was texting jason, who had a plan to come vist because 'past team crafted' missed her.

she laughed.

ian rose his head from his phone, and wiggled his eyebrowns.

'dude, just because i laughed at a text doesnt mean im flrtting!" katlyn yelled.

ian laughed and whent back to his phone.

katlyn got a sudden message. it was unknown number.

'katlyn help me please' said the text.

'umm who are you?' she texted back.

'ADAM!" the next text said.

'what do you want?!' katlyn texted into the phone

'please listen to me, it's maddie' he texted back


'she abuse's me. she takes my youtube money. you gotta help me!'

'isnt that what you wanted?! your abused because of your action's'

'no it's not. i was mentally crazy. it seemed the last time i saw you i regret because i want to see you again, the team hates me' adam cryed.

'and i regret seeing you, EVER' she repiled.

she locked his number under 'BLOCKED' lit up in black on her phone sreen.

And with that. He was blocked.

but that didnt stop him. not a chance.


evil plans....evil plans....

The Never Forever - Book 2 Of 'My Brothers Bestfriend' (Currently Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now