Chapter 9: A new Name and Field Trip

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It has been a couple weeks since you fought against the Servant of Death-X-Mon. You were able to quickly recover from your injuries.  During that time from here and now. You had learned more and more about Remnant. From Ms. Goodwitch, you had gotten this strange feeling whenever you were in her class. You felt safe and very happy whenever you were with her. 

Today you were in her office because she wanted to teach you about aura before you went off to today's field trip to Forever Falls.

Glynda: "Now, I'm going to release my aura slowly and you try and follow suit."

She closed her eyes and you watched as her body grew. She put her hand on your shoulder and you tried to do the same.

'So uhhh, how do?'

Dorumon: 'Focus Y/n.'

You were in a deep state of thinking when you saw a droplet of water fall into a pond. You opened your eyes as saw that you had activated your aura. Your body started to glow a faint (F/c). You started to tear up and you hugged Prof. Goodwitch smiling.

Glynda: *surprised then she noticed your smile which caused her to smile* "Y/n..." *She hugged back and through her lessons from teaching you. She had enjoyed being your teacher. She had always seen you as her own child.* 'I think it's time to finally ask Y/n.' 

Glynda: "Y/n?" *You look up curious.*  "Would you like to become my adopted son?'

You stared at her in shock and feel down in her knees crying. She was worried and kneeled down to your level. She put a hand on you cheek and you held it there. You looked backat her and smiled happily. You nodded happily and she hugged you and burst out crying as well.

Glynda: "We'll deal with the paperwork after school."


You were on the bullhead sitting between Weiss and Blake. You were looking up about the place you were visiting. Forever Fall Forest.

Ruby:" Is this your first field trip Y/n?"

You nodded and kept looking at the information on your scroll.

You nodded and kept looking at the information on your scroll.

Yang: "I'm really sorry you had a rough childhood."

You smiled at her and kept looking into your scroll.

Weiss looked irritated but you were blushing. Yang was by Blake and she leaned over to touch your cheek. You look at her and started to blush.

Yang: "I was thinking we could-"

Weiss pushed Yang away and Blake helped by pulling Yang away.

Weiss: "I was thinking that you could keep yourself seated Yang."

Yang groaned and glared at Weiss and Blake.

'What..... just happened?'

Glynda: "Ah perfect! We're here everyone."

The bullhead landed and everyone rushed out exepted for you and Team RWBY. They waited on you put away your scroll and retied your shoes.

Ruby: "Look at those trees."

You got outside and marveled at the sight. You picked up a leaf and smiled.

'Hey Dorumon, I think  I'm going to take up gardening as a hobby.'

Dorumon: 'That sounds nice and simple.'

Glynda: "Alright students, we're going to be collecting sap from these trees as such."

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