Chapter 17: "Weiss" Cold "Lemon"ade

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3rd P.o.V:

It had been a couple days, since Y/n had told his friend his secret. It was currently lunch time for all the students in Beacon. Team RWBY and Team JNPR was currently enjoying their lunch in Beacon. However as they were eating they already knew that a certain friend was missing from there table. 

Yang: "I wonder where Y/n is?"

Ruby: "Yah I mean he said did text us he's was really busy but still..."

Jaune: "Well...I think I saw him yesterday?"

Blake: "You have?"

Jaune: "Yeah...but he was acting really weird? I just said hi and he freaked out and was shaking uncontrollably when I was see if he's okay he ran away..."

Pyrrha: "That doesn't sound like Y/n..."

Nora: "Now that you mention it I think me and Ren saw him too."

Ren: "Yeah...we were waking thru the hallways when Y/n ran into Nora. When Y/n looked like he had running for a long tie because he was panting a lot and was lost in thought, But when he snapped out of it he bowed down nervously as apology and ran away."

Blake: "Wait...a minute panting...did he looked flustered?"

Nora: "His face was really I guess so.."

Blake: "Oh...boy...I think I know what's wrong now..."

Yang: "You do?"

Ruby: "Yeah what is it?"

Blake: *blushes hard* "I think Y/n is in Heat..."

The two members  of RWBY blushed hard.

Jaune: " can that be isn't Y/n human shouldn't only effect faunus?" 

Blake:  "Remember Y/n is a human who can turn into a faunus so it maybe effecting him even if he's human." 

Pyrrha: "That could explain a lot...what do you think Weiss?" *They all look over to see Weiss not in her seat and is missing.* "Weiss?"

RBY grows a bit silent until Yang broke the silence as her eyes turn red.

Yang: *Yells* "THAT SNEAKY BIII-"

Yang: *Yells* "THAT SNEAKY BIII-"

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Your P.o.V:

You were in your room curled up in the corner of your bed insanely flustered. You had dropped P/n to your mother so he won't get hurt because of you in your flustered state. You were panting hard in the corner sweat hard. You also not used to talking.

'D-d-d-dorumon t-this i-i-is s-s-so b-b-bad..Oh god I'm so fucking horny~'

Dorumon: 'I told you this would be really bad..sadly you're going to be like this for a week.'

"H-how a-are you not e-e-effected.'

Dorumon: 'I'm just a spirit in your body so I don't get heat.Plus why don't you just ask Weiss or the other girls to help out..'

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