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A little notice beforehand, you are in fact reading a work that will depict graphic violence and occasional explicit sexual activities, as per mentioned in the tags, as well as the warnings. Also, I do NOT condone the romanticizing of killers, murdering is a serious crime and awful to anyone involved, as well as torture, abuse, and/or any other activity that can cause harm to another person. Running away with a heinous criminal isn't a scenario that will act out well in the real world, but this is exactly that; NOT the real world. It is a work of fiction, so I'd advise you to not take any of this to heart. Being abused, having an abusive partner, and an unhealthy relationship isn't okay. If you are suffering from things like these, I'd advise you to seek professional/medical help. Stay safe out there.

Alright, off of the heavy stuff. I can not promise this reader insert will be accurate to your actual personality, so you can change things according to your taste when you are reading. I cannot cater to everyone. This story will also be sort of slow burn, for those who are unfamiliar with the term, it means that romance is slow.

Finally, a little introduction to reader inserts if you are new/unfamiliar (feel free to skip if you are already familiar with this, however, additional abbreviations that could be added later on will be explained in the chapter it appears):

(Y/n) = Your Name

(Y/l/n) = Your Last Name

(Y/m/n) = Your Middle Name(s)

(F/c) = Favorite Color

(F/f) = Favorite Food

(F/d) = Favorite Drink

(H/c) = Hair Color

(S/c) = Skin Color

(E/c) = Eye Color

(H/l) = Hair Length

(M/n) = Mom's Name

(F/n) = Father's Name

Anyhow, I think that should be all the abbreviations (for now). Finally, let me put one last word in. I'm going to do my best to not make this terribly edgy, but it is still the Creepypasta fandom, that in of itself is kind of edgy. Other than that, I'd love to have a co-author, so feel free to talk to me about that! Now that this is all done, I hope you enjoy :)

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