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Blue sat up with a scream. All those people at the camp. Dead and mutilated. Because of her. She rubs the sleep away from her eyes. Or lack of.

The horrors of killing people doesn't allow sleep. She reaches down to her leg to feel how far the dragon in her has consumed her but only feels pants.

Wait. Wasn't she naked before. And in front of the knight.

Oh no.

Blue looks around for said knight but doesn't see her. Nor the woods before she dropped. This was a cabin of some sort and she was in a bed.

The wool blanket was bunched up at her feet and she kicks it off, sighing at the sight. It was worse now.

Nails were claws and the knee bends outward, not by her own will.

The patella.

She groans as she climbs out of bed. Surprisingly the pants haven't ripped yet.

Blue limps to the door and opens it to the living area. The knight wasn't here. Good. Maybe she could get away while she still can.

The front door was in sight and with a single step she fell. Landing on the wooded floor with a thud.

Her leg was killing her. It was far more harder to walk with one human the other dragon.

She slowly gets up and wobbles a bit. On second thought getting to the door would seem a lot harder than normal and with that the doors open.

"Oh you're awake."

Blue looks away from the knight in shame. She hurt her because she doesn't have control over herself.

She does the best she can to hide her leg behind her.

"I already know about your leg. No need to hide it."

"I'm sorry!" Blue blurts out. "I-i killed your troop and knocked you o-out"

The knight scowls. "You did. For that the punishment is death."

Blue frowns and looks down.

"I deserve it. I did terrible things.."

Yellow kneels in front of her and lifts her head up.

"Are you in control of what you do?"

"No..not that side really...I can control some of it but that's it..."

Yellow shouldn't feel sorrow for her or mercy. She does though. Blue was punishing herself for what she's barely in control of.

"Have you slept?" Yellow asks, referring to the deep bags under her eyes.

"No..I relieve most of what it does."

"Night terrors?"


Yellow stands and extends an arm out for her. Blue looks up and reluctantly grabs it. She's pulled to her feet and is sat in chair.

"I'm Yellow. It looks painful for you to stand."

Blue smiles wearily. "Um thank you but I don't deserve your mercy.."

"Perhaps but I'll give you a second chance."

"...wait Where's my cloak?" She asks frantically, standing up and trying to walk back to the room.

She stumbles but Yellow catches her and holds her up.

"Its torn. Does it help you?"

"It helps with the pain. Mostly the gem hook on it. I got it enchanted by a witch from another land then moved here away from her."

Another PartNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ