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Yellow stayed quiet most of the walk back to the kingdom. A curse. Then that means it could be broken.

But Blue probably already thought of that.

Blue noticed the knight being awfully silent and deep in thought.

"Are you still thinking about what I said? If so please don't. I've looked for all the possible ways of breaking it but none have worked."

"That means I'll have to explain to the queen why I'm handing in a human instead of a dead dragon."

"How fun. Glad I don't have to do it."

Yellow furrows her brows. They were just at the edge of the forest so she could have one more out burst without being caught.

"How are you being so calm about this!? They will kill you!"

It was Blue's turn to yell at her back.

"Why do you care? You're still handing me in."

Yellow ignores the question. "Let's just hurry up."

Inside the town now everyone's eyes were on them. Who wouldn't look at the esteemed knight and with some woman following behind her. Someone she met on the way they assumed.

Yellow pushes open the blacksmiths doors and holds it for Blue to walk in. She doesn't get a thank you but that is to be expected.

Blue goes straight to the counter. She explains to the blacksmith that she needed a necklace made for the gem and takes it off for him to refrence.

To Yellow it was quite noticeable that the brunette was in pain again. The one leg elevated slightly off the floor so no pressure was applied on it.

The blonde leaned against the door waiting for Blue to finish up. While she did so she took in how elegant Blue looked.

The way her body curves to her lightly tanned skin. Badious hair cascading down her back, the color of chestnuts.

She shakes her head. No. Blue was about to be public enemy number one. After this, she will be executed.

Finally the necklace was made and Blue clips it around her neck. She sighs and smiles, taking out a pouch of coins.

Wait. Where'd she get the coins from. Yellow doesn't remember seeing that on her. Unless..

She reaches to her belt and grunts in frustration. Blue turns around from paying and tosses the pouch to Yellow.

"Thanks. Now, to my demise."

Yellow rolls her eyes and takes her to the palace gates where other knights yell for it to open upon seeing the head knight.

Blue looks around with awe and amazement. Never has she seen such beautiful architecture and it clearly shows.

She pales at the sight of the queen sitting in her throne, legs crossed and an unsettling smile plastered on her face.

Yellow kneels before her and Blue does the same, figuring she had to do it as well.

"My dear Yellow. Who have you brought before me? This certainly doesn't look like a dead dragon."

"Your majesty we did not find a dragon."

White arches a brow. "You say 'we' but I do not see the men I sent with you."

"They...they were killed."

"Oh? By the woman who accompanies you?"

"Yes but she is also the cause of your daughter's death. She killed Pink."

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