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The plan didn't go as smooth as they thought it would. They got it in sure but what they were not expecting was the help of a neighboring kingdom which meant twice as much guards and newly forged weapons, most of which the two haven't seen before.

They were in separate cages side by side in iron bars. The queen definitely had a good reputation with others. Blue was chained to the floor of said cage, keeping her slightly hunched over. This time she had a pair a cuffs she never seen before. They covered her hands completely, keeping her from just breaking out of the metal chains.

Yellow wasn't as badly chained up but her wounds were starting to burn again much to her dismay. The only thing she could do was lean against the bars which agitated them more. There wasn't enough space to stand so she resorted to sitting on her knees, slowly cutting at them from the rough ground.

She was surprised the queen hadn't come for her prisoners yet. Most likely away at the time. It allowed the guards to treat them in the worse possible way. More specifically, treat Blue the worse. Yellow summed it up to the fact some were acting on orders.

Blue was deprived from the necessities that Yellow got. She got little water and not enough food. Keeping her weak so she wouldn't break out. Yellow tried to share but everytime she was caught Blue didn't get anything for longer and longer.

Yellow sighs and looks at the sky. How long has it been now? 4 days since they were captured. The plan was still in motion but with Blue getting weaker by the minute it would soon fall apart. Speaking of Blue, Yellow frowned at her current condition. She laid on her side, almost dead looking. If it wasn't for her tail, which had grown longer now, moving slightly she would've feared for the worst.

She was also afraid that Blue would act like a caged animal on some occasions. Yellow jumped a bit when a plate was slid to her through the bars. She glared at the knight and looked at Blue.

"She's near death. Give her mine." Yellow said.

The knight glances at Blue and shrugs. "We have direct orders. Keep her weak."

"That doesn't mean starve her!"

The knight rolls his eyes but leaves for a second to return with another plate. As he slides it to Blue, Blue reacts in aggression and uses her tail. She wraps it around his forearm and yanks him forward into the cage. He couldn't budge away and she did it repeatedly. Harder and harder. His helmet was dented from the spot and he wasn't fighting anymore. Yellow spotted blood and Blue let go of him.

His body fell limp to the ground and Blue used her covered hands the best she could to bring him close enough for her to bite. Yellow watches her eat, a bit disgusted but understood why she was doing this. She couldn't help it at this point. At the same time, when someone else stumbles across the body, Blue will surely get hurt in return. At least everyone was away to eat at the moment.

Yellow wanted to say something. Anything but at this point she had no idea if she'll even get through to Blue.

"Blue? Can you hear me?" She asks.

If Blue did hear her, she ignored her. Continuing to eat the arm, already at the bone. Yellow sighs and looks away. Even after all she saw, that was the most gruesome.

Blue licks her lips and growls, wanting the rest of the body. Her hunger was severe but she couldn't reach because of these stupid chains. She starts fighting against them getting the attention of Yellow.

"You're going to hurt yourself." Yellow reasons but it falls upon deaf ears.

Blue continues her struggling until there are a few footsteps that stop in front of her cage. She ceases on the pulling and looks up at the figure who was cascading their shadow on her. She squints from the sun behind them and growls baring fangs at who ever it is. It of course was the queen. A very grossed out look on her face.

She crouches in front of Blue and looks at her curiously. "What even are you?"

At that Blue snarls and tries lunging at her. She looks to be in pain, lowering her head before looking back up with darkened eyes and blue slit pupils. White places her hand on the cage and Blue snaps at her which makes White retract with a chuckle.

"Whatever. You'll soon be rid from this world."

Yellow's eyes widen and she sits up straight, looking around before she sees it. Being built as they sat there, in the middle of the whole place. The same death sentence Blue was supposed to receive before. The guillotine.

White faces Yellow and grins. "You finally see it. I suppose your in there because my men didn't know if they could trust you and you're actually bringing, this thing to redeem yourself or your dying as well."

Yellow grits her teeth and glares. White stands and dusts herself off.

"Its a shame. You were one of the best. It'll be a while before I get someone like you again but there will always be someone."

"Good luck with that."

White smugly smiles and turns, walking away. Yellow moves to the other side of the cage, getting closer to Blue as best as she could.

"Do something. Please..." Yellow asks selfishly.

Blue growls at her and Yellow sighs.

"Sorry....I don't want you to die."

She looks at the queen and sees people gathering around her. Yellow scoots to that side of the cage and listens in.

"We'll be executing the prisoners in two days time. We're making them weak as I speak so that last time doesn't happen again."

Blue falls to her stomach and tries to claw at her face. Scales were coming in and Yellow frowns. Being treated like this was breaking Blue's mind and the little control she had left. In two days she might not even be human.

Oof. I'm not dead-

Just focusing on other things but I'm back in the groove.

I'm also happy to say I created, with the help of my friend, imthemostsinfulchild ,a reference for corrupted Blue.

We changed her full design so she's more corrupted looking instead of like a dragon. I'll be keeping the dragon one for this story but from now on she'll go off by this.

 I'll be keeping the dragon one for this story but from now on she'll go off by this

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Some of her descriptions/abilities we couldn't fit so I'm listing them here:

▪︎Manipulate water in the air

▪︎Wings and spikes glow when using aura

▪︎Aura is amplified, enough to bring gems to their knees, rendering them immobile

▪︎Ghost like appearance

▪︎Scales are tough and when touched causes a mental breakdown in both humans and gems

She can be defeated like any other corrupted gem but since she's a diamond it's more difficult to get her to poof.

Her eyes are different we know. They change when she cries. She's also really big, roughly about the size of Pink's legs ship.

Just thought yall should know.

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