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Yellow climbs up the stairs from the undercroft, a plate with cooked meat on it and she sets it at the table. She looks at Blue who is quiet and facing towards the floor.


Blue looks up at the mention of her name and sheepishly smiles. Her new fangs on display.

"..I didn't know you had fangs." Yellow says as she sits down.

Blue sighs and picks at the wooden table with her claws. "I didn't either until just recently."

"You mean your turning dragon without shifting?"

Blue nods and the smell of the food Yellow has prepared finally hits her. She grabs a piece and starts eating it right out of her hands. Almost animalistic.

Yellow watches putting a piece in her mouth as Blue eats more of the filets she cooked. It was like watching a wild animal eat its prey and it slightly disturbed her.

She reaches out with her fork to grab another when Blue grabs her wrist. Yellow looks into her brown eyes. Specks of blue dotted her dark pupil that was now slit like a reptiles.

"Hey...snap out of it." Yellow says snapping her fingers and Blue shakes her head, letting go of Yellow.

"Sorry..I guess it's getting worse. I didn't hurt you did I?"

"That's alright and you didn't."

Blue stands from the table. "I'm going to bed."

Yellow glances behind the brunette out the window. It was about dusk and she nods understanding.

"Ok..sleep well."

Blue hums. "You too."

She leaves to the old room she first woke up in and closes the door behind her. Blue sits at the edge of the bed and falls backward onto the sheets.

"Its getting worse.." She says to herself.

Sighing she turns around to look out the window. The sky was a pretty orange and pink color as the sun set into the distance behind the many trees.

The sun sets shortly after and within the trees Blue sees fire.


She gets out of bed and opens her door; running to Yellow's room. She hesitates to knock, then decides against it. She could fight her own. Right?

There was no time for questions. Knights were already looking for them but Blue couldn't depend on Yellow forever. Her claws could suffice and she leaves the cabin.

Using the darkness as cover she expertly moves between the trees and finds herself just next to the small band of knights.

They were talking amongst eachother while looking at a map. Perfect time to strike. Blue feels her adrenaline rush and the sides of her vision cloud, focusing only on them.

She jumps out, her claws making contact a neck and with no remorse she squeezes. Hard. The sound of his neck snapping is evident and echoes.

His comrades immediately have their swords at Blue's neck and her vision clears. She looks around at them wanting to shift but forces it down. She can't afford to turn again.

Blue let's go of the knight still in her hands and she gets tied up. So much for not needing Yellow's help. She's dragged with them until they come across the cabin.

"A cabin!"

"Do you think that's where she was living at?"

"Maybe. Let's check it out."

Their prisoner squirms, trying to slow them down.

"Yellow!!" She screams.

That earns her a slap across the face.

"Keep it down!"

Blue grits her teeth. "Yellow!!!"

And a rope is tied around her mouth.

"Wait is she saying the disgraced knights name?" One asks.

"Well then. Two birds one stone." Another responds.

They break open the door and drag Blue to the table, tying her to the leg. The head of the group orders the rest to search the house for Yellow.

A few excruciating minutes later they come back empty handed. Blue frowns and looks down. She might have to turn actually.

That would be the case if out of no where Yellow shows up from a corner and knocks out two of them. The last putting up a fight though Blue didn't watch. She was trying to see if she could get a claw out and tear the rope.

After struggling and Yellow beating the knight she doesn't get it. Yellow shakes her head slowly and kneels in front of her.

"Why didn't you get me?"

Blue shrugs. "Didn't want to bother you."

"That's suicide. Especially if you're not trained."

"I had claws."

"That's dumb. They had armor on."

Blue stands and rolls her eyes. "At least I killed one. You just knocked them unconscious."

Yellow narrows her eyes at Blue.

"Gloating about killing a person. How very human of you."

Blue growls. "At least I'm not a disgraced knight."

Yellow freezes and looks at her.

"What'd you say to me?"

Blue gets into her face and looks into her eyes.

"At least. I'm. Not. A. Disgraced. Knight." She repeats.

Yellow furrows her brows and tackles Blue to the ground. Blue has an amused look on her face and kicks her off with ease.

"Stop messing around. We have to leave. Once White figures out that her knights are here she'll send more than we can handle because I am not shifting."


Yellow moves the knights to the table and ties them there.

"We'll be traveling for quite sometime."

"Nothing I'm not used to." Blue states and goes to her, grabbing the blanket on her bed.

She wraps it over her body to hide all the not normal parts. Yellow takes the map they had and starts looking over it until finding a road side tavern.

"They should have rooms. It'll be late noon when we arrive."

"Fine by me."

Yellow grabs a bag and packs food for the journey. The two leave and start the really long walk. Blue increasingly becomes uncomfortable in her shirt and with her good hand feels behind her.

Fingertips running over bumps down her spine, more on either side of it and rough scales surrounding it.



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White is confused as always.

I rushed this to have it done by today. The chapter included.

Ah so Blue is still upset with Yellow. Wonder what she'll do.

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