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The next day, Lia woke up and no text from harry. She woke up excited to the idea that harry might have texted her or call, but he didn't. Lia took a shower, ate breakfast and got dressed. Today is the day she will sign her legal papers for the film, and then go take measurements for her role costume. 

*Lia's POV*

I took a taxi to the management and went to the legal office to sign off my papers. I read the papers clearly and slowly so I am sure. And saw the amount I will be paid, my eyes widened. "Along with trying to sneak a peek and be with celebrities and enjoying the food, you will take £200 per 8 hour-day. And they want you for 3-4 months each day." The manager told me. "I am so lucky!"I said as I signed the papers. "If your schedule is flexible and you like making money, overtime pay is a definite perk of being a background actor. Taping and retakes often run longer than expected, and you may need to be on the set for more hours than anticipated. Many movies include nighttime scenes, so you must be prepared to work long, irregular hours that can go past midnight. This is an action-y type movie, there will be a doctor/nurse on the set." He added. I finished my work at the management and called Harry, he didn't respond. I don't want to sound clingy so I didn't call again. 

I went to the costume studio in central London, the lady who was there was nice; she took the tape measure and measured my body. "The costume is skintight outfits so they must be perfectly fitted, and your body is actually really nice so It will be perfect." She said as she was writing down my measurements. "Really? Thank you!" I said while blushing, Yes I am a model but I get insecure also about my body. "You know you signed a contract so you can't get pregnant at the times of shooting the movie." She said, "Yess I read it well, plus I am as single as a potato" I said laughing. "Whyy! you are gorgeous!" She asked with a loud voice, "Well I dont know if it's me or the men I date, they don't stick around for long." I said while drinking my tea. "Well dear I am sure it's not you, it's them, or just the perfect guy still didn't come around." She said as she closed her notebook. "Let me show you photographs of the outfits, 3D animations as a guideline for us, sketches as we say" She said as she opened her laptop. "Ohh nice" I said, "and your's is quite dark and sexy." she told me. "Hahaha, I will probably be shyy for the first day" I said while blushing, "Costumes communicate the details of a character's personality to the audience, and help actors transform into new and believable people on screen. We have to make them out of good quality and should last, we always have backup outfits of the same costume. And this movie is a Marvel movie so costumes are out of the ordinary outfits." She said. "Yes I understand if like a normal movie, I would wear normal casual clothes" I asked. "Yea we'll plan out with you, but you are safe from this story." she said laughing. Then my phone lit up, someone was calling me. It was harry! I took a side and took the call. "I missed you!" was all that I heard from the other side on the phone. I was confused.

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