the day

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Today was the big day, 3 weeks passed. The dress is ready and everything is ready. First comes love, then comes baby in a baby, then comes marriage. It might not rhyme as smoothly, but that was the reality for Lia. Getting married and having a child are arguably two of the most amazing yet stressful times in a woman's life. Lia didn't want flowers; Thanks to the smell, artificial flowers could be a better win compared to real flowers. 

*Lia's POV*

"I was so sensitive to smells that I really needed to choose flowers that hardly smelled at all. Another bonus of using artificial flowers is that they can be kept for long after the wedding!" I said to Anne. My mom came into my room and helped me get dressed. "Will you have  a honeymoon?" Mom asked me while brushing my hair. "We had booked to go on a cruise but I was still feeling sick and didn't want to go on a cruise because I didn't want to be very far away from home, In fact I am too tired to go anywhere. I'd prefer to honeymoon when I can fit into a bikini anyway." I said as I ate a sandwich. "Similar to the flowers factor, it's safe to say the groom wearing strong deodorant might not be a great idea. Tell harry to calm down with the deodorant." Mom told Anne. "Harry wears Rexona Sport and has done since the day I met him, except he's had to stop during the pregnancy because the smell made me incredibly sick to my stomach." I told Sky laughing. I went to the bathroom and Mom helped me get dressed. The dress looked amazing, my belly didn't show. I felt good for the first time in the past 8 months. The hair dresser styled my hair and placed my tiara on, Harry entered the room and his eyes started tearing. He came behind me and looked at me, "I couldn't wait. I had to steal a look at you!" He said as he held my hand, "oh my god what are you doing here! leave!" Anne harry's mom said gasping, "Its bad luckk to seee the bride before walking down the aisle!" mom said. 

"The time has come." My dad said while holding my hand, we walked down the aisle. When it comes to being a pregnant bride, one of the main concerns is walking down the aisle and how to do it without feeling or looking crazy. Dad reached me to harry's side. We said our wedding vows. And all the "I do"s. Then it was time for harry to place the wedding ring on my left hand. He slide the ring through my finger and it was small! Swollen hands and feet! MY FINGERS ARE BIGGER IN SIZE! My hand started sweating and harry looked at me and whispered, "Its okay love." He kissed me and everyone started clapping. We walked down the aisle and into the wedding ceremony venue. "Just grab it and put it on your necklace later," mom whispered into my ear. Harry and I danced our first dance. I felt tired so we sat. I felt bad for sitting for most of the wedding, but it passed.

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