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Lights flashed continuously like a strobe light in the middle of a dance club in front of her face. They screamed for her to look at them, and pose for the camera. But she kept quiet and walked between her security guards, protecting her from those obsessed fans. She quickly stepped into the black SUV and muttered a 'thank you' to Juugo, her main personal guard whom made this experience at least bearable. She let out a light sigh once the loud shrieks and calls for her names were muffled when the door was shut. Juugo went onto the other side and sat next to her in the back seat.

"So how does it feel to be back in Japan?" his voice was deep and his face relaxed, a complete different side of him presented behind closed doors away from the paparazzi and admirer of the Victoria Secret model and Maxim's hottest for 3 consecutive years.

"Weird. But a good weird" She flashed him an honest smile,

"It's been four years! God, that is so scary." Her eyes travelled to the street lamps going by as the car drove by under the midnight moon. Even in the dark, she kept her oversized Fendi Sunglasses on.

"Ino is ecstatic that you're back" Juugo reassured her. Although he knew she wanted assurance about someone else.

"I know, trust me. She's been calling me 24/7 asking where I am." She was too tired to bring him up in this conversation. Exhausted and nervous. It's been a whole 4 years since she's spoken to him. Had he thought about her? Did he ever mention her to Ino?

"She's at the Hilton Suite waiting for you. We'll be there in five" Juugo waited for a response, but realized she was in her own daze. Deep in thought, she remembered the heartbreak she went through and the promise he kept.


"You deserve better. You're a beautiful girl and you don't deserve this fucked up me." his voice sent chills down her spine, he spoke softly. His lips touched her bare neck.

"Sasuke, don't say that. You know I'll wait for you forever" she almost begged him to not let go of her.

"I need to work on myself, I want to be someone you can be proud of. Not this person who keeps fucking around. I've seen how heartbroken you are each and every time I'm with someone else. I can't do that to you anymore. You're too special to me" His voice hummed against her bare skin. His deep black eyes pierced through her under those thick beautiful lashes.

"That heartbreak is not as bad as this one." she spoke through the shivers she felt with each and every touch of his.

"I promise you, when you come back I will be a better man. Just give me time. Let me get it out of my system." his hand trailed down her back and down her naked thighs. She couldn't concentrate, she never could when his hands touched her. Ever. Her trembling fingers ran through his soft jet black hair. She lifted her head enough to take in his intoxicating scent, it was her addiction. No matter how many times he's been with other women, she always still wanted him. The multiple times he's been high on some type of substance, she would look away and once again be pulled into the exhilarating temptation. Even if she was just a number to him, she would take it.

He was everything a father despises for their daughter. But her story was different. Her father supported this sick and twisted relationship. Marrying an Uchiha was as close to marrying Royalty or winning the lottery.

'He's a man, of course he's going to fool around, all men do that. Especially someone with a status like his, You should be happy that you're his number one.' that's what her mother would always say to her after some shameless tabloid or gossip floating around. This would be almost a daily occurrence. So often, it became just everyday news. People just understood that he had her as the main girl and it was always mandatory that he had other misses in his life. It was an addiction, he would explain and she would nod in acceptance.

Him After Her (SASUSAKU) FANFICDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora