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"I should have told you from the beginning Sakura, maybe then you would have coped with it better," he placed his hand around her petite waist as she leaned into his broad shoulders and looked out the window of the private jet. He inhaled her perfect strawberry scent and felt the vibration from her soothing voice, "There's nothing you could have done, Sasuke. You did it thinking it was for the best. And it is. Everything's right. Stop blaming yourself for everything. It's a lot to take in, but I will be okay. We will be okay." Her voice soothing away his apprehensions. He loved how she added the 'we' there. Somehow, he felt the tension leave his shoulders as her emerald eyes looked at him with a soft smile.

"How are you feeling?" he knows she doesn't like flying and the idea of them moving to different time zones got his protective side taking over. His calculating eyes travelled to her furrowed eyebrows anxiously waiting for an answer.

"I'm fine, I'm excited!" she was a bad actor and it didn't help that he knew her like a book inside out.

"Sakura," it was all he needed to say, because he knew she knew what he wanted from the tone of his voice.

"Sasuke," she mocked with that sheepish smile of hers.

"Come on, no one's here. Everything is up in the air, literally. You can tell me whatever you want to say. Tell me what you're truly feeling."

"Thank you, Father Sasuke" she teased, "What is this? Confession time?"

"Sort of, I guess. It's just been hard for us to really take a moment and talk about things. Both of us being busy held up with work and of course, all the drama in between. I can't let this opportunity pass when we're finally alone, thousands of feet above the ground. Don't think that I didn't notice you avoiding me too. You can't do that anymore, missy."

"I guess..." she playfully rolled her eyes before she shifted her body to be seated in a way where she would look at him directly.

"Talk to me, you've been so distant lately," he whispered to her, the look he gave her instantly sent her a wave of guilt at how everything played out; and how she admittedly, avoided him in the last few days.

"Sasuke...I'm sorry." Her head was bowed down and shoulders sagged as if she felt all the years drain her out.

"You shouldn't be apologizing...I should be the one apologizing for hiding myself. I never meant to hurt you. I know I should have handled things better than I did, but I dug myself a hole and we built this wonderful world between us. I never felt more at home when I'm with you." You're my home. The words were hanging in the air, and Sakura knew how much she meant to him. How much he feels the same way as she feels for him. There was no competition between who loves more – just unadulterated love that encompasses their different worlds.

"You don't give yourself enough credit, Sasuke. I know you. I know your heart – how kind and soft it is. I know you would never do anything to hurt me," her hands softly held onto his as she gave it a soft squeeze.

"Believe me when I say I was planning to tell you sooner, but things were perfect between us, and I couldn't take a chance to ruin something that I was too selfish to risk."

"Sasuke, it's fine. I think I'm the one who needs to apologize." She looked at his nervous facial expression. She wondered what exactly was he expecting her to say.

"I kept the apartment, there were days when I finished early and I would have been able to see you, but instead I went to the apartment." She paused to watch his facial expression, he looked confused.

"I know I kept telling you I was okay, but I wasn't. It was too much for me, I didn't know if I were willing to take the change. For once in my life, I started to feel very insecure. I pride myself to be a strong, independent, and willful woman; but ever since I met you, you manage to break down my walls. The very walls, I always kept vigil to guard because it was the only way I would survive. I was doing really good in keeping myself closed off to the world, but you were able to get in." She laughed humorlessly. "Imagine, a workaholic doctor dating an equally workaholic businessman. You tore down the walls around my heart, Sasuke. It was both terrifying and exhilarating." She looked at him with a wistful look and he nodded for her to continue.

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