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Author's note: Hello again! I'm really trying my best to have consistent updates. 


The music blasted through the club, lights flashing different colors. His heart racing, dopamine running through his veins, it was just another typical night; a way to release all of the tension from his father's expectation of him. He inhaled the rose scent coming off of the crook of the woman's neck. His hand tracing over her naked thigh, slowly reaching up to her buttocks. His lips over hers, he could feel her hands over his member.

Nights like these always become a blur, a molly popped and multiple shots of hard liquor to start and a couple lines of cocaine to give him the high he absolutely needed. It was his escape, it was his routine and norm. "Sasuke Kun, please fuck me" the girl in his arms pleaded, he was quiet, his lips aggressive, hands grabbing onto her blond locks ignoring whatever she said. A model he had met at one of the shows he attended.

Even with all the substances he took, he felt the need for more. He grabbed his glass of whisky and gulped it down and took another line of his favorite drug, afraid his high would settle down. The woman's bare skin was soft, her plump lips felt fantastic on his tongue.

"What are you doing?" the voice was engulfed by the blaring music, he didn't care for whatever was happening around him, all he wanted was to fuck the woman he was with, after all it had been a long day. "What are you doing here?" he could hear one of the girls responding to the other.

"I could ask you the same question, do you have any idea where I've gone to go look for you?!" she tried her best to speak over the music. "Leave me alone" he could hear the annoyance in the girl's voice.

"I am not leaving until you come back, you shouldn't be here. You're still recovering"

"You're embarrassing me!" she screamed.

"I don't care, let's go now" her voice firm. He was in a high where his mind was not thinking straight, even with the conversation around him, he couldn't care less about anything but the girl in his arms. The girl seemed to give in, she exhaled and apologize to the group, only to be stopped by one of the men. "Sweetie, where are you going? You can't leave. I spent all this money buying you these shots, you're not going anywhere until you finish these shots" the man said to her.

"You're a sick fuck for forcing a girl who is fucking recovering from the hospital" the voice was familiar, but he couldn't focus properly.

"She came here first, I don't like my money going to waste. If i'm going to spend the fucking money on it, then someone better fucking drink it"

"Tamaki get up, we're leaving."

"Did you not hear what I just fucking said?" his voice was angry. Sasuke still was only focused on his hands travelling over the model's body. It wasn't uncommon for commotion to happen during these events.

"I'll fucking take the fucking shots. You're a piece of work"

"Dr. Haruno!" it was that name that caught his attention, he ripped himself away from the woman he was heavily making out with and stared at the woman taking the multiple tequila shots in disbelief.

"Sakura, what the hell are you doing here?" he had only seen her just hours ago on her 20th hour. She was angry, he didn't know weather she had seen him the whole time during the ordeal, and if she did why did she not ask for his help. Then again, she never asked for anyones help.

She had finished the last shot, she ignored him. Her focus was on one of the girls that was at his booth. He was embarrassed to have had to see her in this sort of situation, but worse what she had done to herself. "Temaki, we need to leave now" she ignored the clap coming from the man and the snickers from the other women.

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