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Her eyes widened when she realized the person standing before her at the door was her older half-sister. She was speechless, her mouth opened but nothing came out.

"Sakura, hello," It had been a month after the incident and she haven't even made a peep about Karin since then, yet here she was.

"I'm sorry," Sakura blinked a couple times before stepping aside.

"Please, come in." She ushered the breath taking woman inside the room. Karin passed her heavy purse to Sakura – she huffed as she lifted it – took off her light beige trench coat as well and placed it to Sakura's right arm.

"Listen, I know I shouldn't really be here but I was hoping you could help me." Karin started as she leaned over the counter, her red eyes looking around the empty apartment area.

"How did you-"

"I have my sources, but I should really be asking you that. The last I spoke to Sasuke, he had told me you moved into his penthouse. So why are you still here? In an empty little apartment at to top it all off?"

Sakura sighed and closed the door behind her quietly. The past month had been unbearable for her, almost a little too much to handle. This apartment that Sasuke had thought she had already given up the lease was her only escape. It was where she could hide from all the chaos around her. As if it wasn't bad enough her work place was already a disaster of a place to be at.

At least where she worked she felt like belonged. Unlike Sasuke's world...she definitely did not feel in place. She was that coal in the pile of diamonds.

"Please don't tell Sasuke," she pleaded quietly, the last thing she needs is for Sasuke to truly know how awful she felt about everything. She already knew how hard he was trying to make things right for her, this would just break him. It would make him feel like he wasn't doing anything right.

Karin scoffed, "Here you are crying over spilt milk, when I dream to be in your shoes... Do you know how many people would die to be in your position? To be truly loved by Sasuke Uchiha? Die, Sakura. People would die and kill to be where you are. Yet here you are, hiding in this dog house you forced him to live in for a year and a half."

"I didn't force him."

"Indirectly," Karin rebutted.

"Listen, I didn't know who he was or else I honestly wouldn't have..." she trailed off and couldn't manage to say the words that would break her world. Now that she's been with him, life without him was unimaginable.

"But you did, you stole him away from me. He was my world. What you feel now is exactly what I felt and probably a lot stronger. I've known him my whole childhood, while you knew him for 3 years. Life's unfair, isn't it? It's like the universe likes to fuck around, because the person who ripped my heart away is also my half-sister whose mother ironically also destroyed my family. Do you know what it feels like to have your mom cry to you because her husband is fucking another woman? It's probably why I am as fucked up as I am."

"Karin, I really am sorry," Sakura mumbled. Suddenly, she can't bear to look at Karin's eyes and dejectedly stared at the floor.

"Your apologies aren't going to fix the past or even now. Sasuke is head over heels for you. In fact, I'm thankful you're hiding in this dog house, because it was the only way I could get close to you. He's had you protected like a fucking rare gemstone," she could feel how cold Karin's tone was.

She remained quiet while Karin played with her own hair before she stated exactly why she was here, "I'm not here to bitch about how unfair life is. I'm here to ask a favor of you."

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