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It had happened all so quickly, her green eyes faced the white fabric that was Sasuke's broad back. He had swiftly pushed her behind him and grabbed the girl whose face was stained of tears.

There was a tense silence, she could hear Sasuke's breathing. It was heavy and quick, an unfamiliar sound to Sakura. Even so she knew this was his short fuse, his inability to hold back his anger and frustration.

"I fucking let you into my home and you attempt to do something like this?" He asked, each word slurred through his clenched teeth, eyes peering into the now quivering girl who winced at the tight grip on her shoulder. His heart was racing, blood boiling. He was livid, his emotions out of control. He had been tortured mentally and physically, vulnerable to how easy it was to slip back into the person who he once was "You listen to me, I am not afraid to fucking end your life right here-,"

"Sasuke!" there was tug on his sleeve from the woman behind him, her voice low. He could hear the disappointment. Just her calling his name was enough to break him through the manic, he needed to be a better person. If not for him, than at least for her...


The sound of the black haired girl moaning as she was giving him oral sex was deafened by the ringing in his ear from the loud music of the club he was in earlier. He felt numb, the feeling of the cocaine running through his veins, sobering him up from the alcohol intoxication. Sasuke grabbed a fistful of the girls long locks, eyes wandering hoping to feel more than the numbness.

"Fuck" was all that escaped his lips, not from what he was feeling but what was on the other side of the tinted windows of the back seat of his Rolls Royce.

Pink was the last thing he wanted to see, not when he was like this. Pink should mean nothing to him, yet that colour seemed to cause some sort of guilt. These were never the circumstances he'd want to meet her in, he prayed that she couldn't see him through the black windows. How silly it was for him to even think she could look through, but paranoia comes in many ways.

What on earth was she doing on these streets at this hour? 1 AM in the morning, a woman like her should be in bed, safe from men like him. He hated to admit it, but she was god awfully beautiful. It was hard not to look at her, the way she walked down the sidewalk was captivating. Her curious emerald eyes striking even through the rainy night, her wavy hair bounced with each step. The beige wool coat wrapped her body to the perfect fit, he couldn't help but wonder how someone can look absolutely stunning at the same time adorable.

Adorable...he didn't think he would ever have that word in his vocabulary. But here he was, in his car in the middle of the night receiving oral sex from some model across the world. He observed, and cursed once more. There was no way he would let her continue walking down this alleyway by herself. It seems as though every time he talked to her outside the hospital, it was always in awkward situations like these.

Sasuke froze when he watched her stop a couple feet away from him, staring down. To his surprise there was a homeless man who sat in the rain in the corner.

"Stop" he muttered, his eyes glued onto the woman standing in front of the man. He used his hand to push the girl off of him, "what?" he ignored her and pulled back his slacks and buckled his belt.

In every situation he has seen Sakura in, outside of the hospital was insanely idiotic. In what person's right mind stops at 1 AM in the middle of the streets looking like that, talking to a homeless man? Was she trying to get herself raped or killed?

He quickly glimpsed at his phone to make a quick phone call, ignoring the whining from the girl still on her knees. "Hey, I need you to come and drive someone home" he instructed over the phone, still watchful of the young doctor. Eyes widened in bewilderment when she crouched down and handed her pink polka dot umbrella to the man on the ground. She unwrapped her scarf that was snug around her neck and passed that to him.

Him After Her (SASUSAKU) FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now