Meet the Main Characters

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Dandy Mott (Credit to AHS)

Dandy Mott is what you could call a momma's boy. Dandy is 27 years old, and he is unfathomably rich. He and his mother Gloria Mott live in a mansion on the hill, and they have a perfect life, complete with servants and all the works. Dandy's father died when he was small, leaving Gloria on her own to raise a newborn baby. Gloria hardly ever had time for Dandy while he was growing up, so he was always left to play on his own, and he was never allowed out, so he was forced to remain cooped up in his home all alone while he aged. Dandy has been spoiled his whole life too, so he was raised by a maid, and he never really learned to grow up. He is a bossy brat with a tendency to throw a tantrum whenever he doesn't get what he wants when he wants it, so I guess you could consider Dandy a man-child due to he fact that he still plays with puppets, wears tightie whities, and drinks from a baby bottle. Dandy has the world at his fingertips, and he does not even know it. Dandy is never satisfied, and he is always wanting more than Gloria can provide for him. Dandy has never had friends, so he grew up taking his anger and frustration out on other people, such as Gloria, to which he constantly screams "I hate you!" to, or harming animals to relieve the tension he would have built up inside. Dandy has no manners, and he is sick in the head due to feeling hollow and lonely inside, but will a new turn of events change everything Dandy has going for him?

Laurel Darling

Laurel Darling is a charming young 23 year old girl from southern Alberquerque, and she has a modest lifestyle. Laurel has an older brother named Jimmy who recently moved to Atlanta to pursue a new job that pays him handsomely for his deformity- Fraulein Elsa's Freakshow and Cabinet of Curiosities. Jimmy has what is known to most as "lobster hands" which means that two sets of two fingers on each hand are fused together. Laurel grew up with an easy life. Her mother raised her and Jimmy (who is three years older than Laurel) on her own from the time the kids were young, for their father had left them to join the navy, only for his family to never have him return. Twenty years later, Laurel is studying nursing and taking care of her mother who has liver failure while Jimmy is away for the time being attempting to make money for the family, but what will happen to Laurel when she goes for a harmless visit to see Jimmy? Will Laurel find a new outlook on life, or will her innocence be crushed?

Read more to find out! :D

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