
60 11 4

Brain = bold

Me = italics








"What am I even distracting you from? Walking across the campus?"

"Admiring the beauty of the campus. Now shut up!"



"Do you think I will?"

"I was hoping..."

"Anyways, did you know that speed of light is 299,792 kilometres per second?"

"I don't remember reading that..."

"Store it in the 'important, can't forget' memory box."

"Storing in 'important, can't forget but do forget at the very last moment' box..."

"What are you whispering?"



"Do you remember the time when your brothers shoved you into the pool?"

"I do... why the sudden flashback?"

"Look beside you."

"... "

"A pool. How ironic."

"Nice one, huh?"

"That's just... creepy."


"Let's start with the obvious; I didn't even turn that way to see for myself yet you already knew... like a psychic."

"Yeah, that does sound creepy."

"Do you realise that I am talking about you?"

"Yeah. And I have a plausible explanation."

"Go ahead."

"I heard the pool."

"You heard the pool?"



"You heard the pool?"

"I don't need to repeat myself like you just did..."

"Like was it screaming that, "I am a pool! Right beside you! Look at me! Look at me-"

"No, you idiot. I heard the sound of the water."

"That... makes more sense. You say that, not 'I heard the pool' ."

"Not my fault that you are a first-class idiot."

"When someone has a brain like you in their head, they are forced to become a first-class idiot to keep up with the nonsense crap you give them 24/7, all year."


"I can't even you the 'keep rolling your eyes and you might find a brain back there' on you."

"You know what?"

"What is the awesome idea you just got?"

"Keep  your sarcasm to yourself!"

"Technically, I am.."


"Go on-"



"Go chase them away! Run after them!"

"I am in a public area!"

"You think I care. Let your inner child free! Legs, move!"

"No, no, no."



"Job is done!"

"I can't believe I just did that..."


"I hate you..."

"I know."

"Stop smiling! I can literally hear people thinking about me!"

"So block your ears."

"You know that is going to make me look even weirder..."


"How can you make a smiley face is beyond my understanding... But that doesn't make you look less of a devil."

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