Chapter Two

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The Quarantine Hall/Nursery was in chaos.

Everyone fought their way in the line, trying to cut through to the front of the line for Holy Water. Everyone knows there are a limited amount delivered each day, and they would want the water that the Nurses would distribute.

Wolfie and Jupiter got to the line early. They were both short, Wolfie being a bit taller, with Jupiter only being 12 years old, and being cut in by the shorter and older people. They managed to get through the line and get their Holy Waters, Jupiter keeping her Water for later and Wolfie drinking them, as she was on the point of turning into a spider that night.

"So," Jupiter said after Wolfie deposited the empty Holy Water Jar, "How many times have you've been as a Spider or Cannibal?"

"Only five times as a Spider, never as a Cannibal," Wolfie replied, "How unholy would I have been as a Cannibal in a night!"

Jupiter had finished her melon, and so was Wolfie. So they headed to the Pride Melon tree and grabbed the last two melons.

"I've heard of nice spiders.." Jupiter said, blinking wonderously as they headed out to the balcony.

"Ah, only if your heart is soy holy and strong enough, you can fight through the unholy thoughts as a spider and be nice and not attack," Wolfie smiled, "I've managed to be that three times, but the other two times I've killed." She frowned, "Soy unholy of me!"

Jupiter hoped she was 'holy' and nice enough to be a nice spider while she was a spider, but she hoped she would get a chance at holy water once a day or two.

"Ah! How unholy you guys were!" Jupiter heard a nurse call through her megaphone and she and Wolfie groaned, "That calls for an early dinner and bedtime! Hope you guys learn from your soy unholy actions!"

They headed to the cafeteria reluncantly and then another nurse called out that they were having Baby Back Rats as punishment, and Wolfie said this dish was served when people were behaving badly. Wolfie spat bitterly on the ground as they took the dish and headed out of the cafeteria. They ran until they found an empty and open dorm and they rushed in, closing and locking the door quickly. Jupiter had grabbed her last melon as she had finished her melon out of hunger before heading to the dorms.

"Sleep tight," Wolfie whispered as they each clambered onto a bed of their own. Jupiter nodded silently before Wolfie put away her candle. It all became pitch black and dark as the bell rang for nighttime, and then Jupiter jumped as she heard a scream.

Someone has already been attacked, Jupiter thought in horror, Spiders are already down the hallways, people aren't making their way into the dorms fast enough.

She saw Wolfie through the darkness, clutching the blankets tight. She knew that Wolfie's two months in the screaming nights wasn't plesant, and she still wasn't used to it.

Jupiter didn't think she would, either.

As the screams continued to echo off down the hallways, with the stabbing by the spiders and collapsing noises of the people who were attacked, Jupiter found something out. She couldn't actually sleep, but when she laid on the bed and acted like she was, it felt like she was actually sleeping but awake, like she's getting energy.

A while later Jupiter and Wolfie got up to eat their melons, as they were getting hungry. People were trying to force themselves into their room with the doorknob jamming, but Jupiter had learnt to not let them in because they can probably open the door once or they could accidentally let an evil spider into the room.

The torturing screams continued through the night, with rushing steps passing through the room every once in a while. Jupiter and Wolfie continued to eat when they're starving, and then Jupiter had two empty plates she would wait to deposit once they are allowed out of the rooms again. She hated the Baby Back Rats that they were fed, they were disgusting, all fluffy and bitter tasting in their mouths. She finished it quickly before putting the plates away.

Wolfie and Jupiter decided to whisper their favourite stories and origins with each other to pass through the night, Wolfie had said she had escaped from her family because a of a raid that destroyed her village.

Until finally the sun rose up through the window, and the first bell rang for the start of morning, the lights turned on.

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