Chapter Four

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Wolfie gasped and lit her candle, still grasping Jupiter's hand.

The hallways were pitch dark, and then as they scurried across the hallways as quietly as they could, they heard a high pitched shrieked and a stab, and steps were coming down which was obviously the sound of a spider.

"Run," Jupiter breathed.

They dashed through the hallways as fast as possible, with Wolfie putting out the candle. Jupiter had to squint to see through the darkness, but she couldn't help but running into walls painfully. Suddenly Wolfie stopped as she turned a corner, horrified, she pressed against the wall.

"Cannibals," Wolfie whispered, clutching her chest, "I've never ran into one."

She felt the cannibal come right at her and she ran, following Wolfie with her candle on. Wolfie was trying to force the dorm doors open, and Jupiter continued to run, terrified. The cannibal went right past Wolfie, not noticing her, and charged after Jupiter.

Jupiter ran down the hallways, terrified, and she put out her candle, but then turned around to run into a spider, which snapped at her. She shrieked in agony as the spider slashed her arm, as the cannibal came closer. She ducked under the spider's stingers, rolled away from the spider and cannibal, and continued to run, her arm stinging painfully as blood dripped down her arm.

Suddenly a loud alarm sounded, and red lights flashed. She heard a nurse announce, and of course there was a hint of terrified sound in her voice.

"Oh no! Something terrible is happening, a soy deadly outbreak of cannibals! Head to the bunkers immediately! THIS IS NOT A DRILL, BE QUICK ABOUT IT!"

Jupiter heard doors open and slam, and people rushed past her. She followed the crowd in the darkness, but then not long after she heard screams and was knocked over as the people scrambled the other way. A spider clicked his dangerous stingers and slashed at her, and she rolled over to dodge it but missed her face, and then it slashed a huge cut over Jupiter's leg and she screamed in agony.

As she felt herself flop over, unable to move, she felt someone carry her away. But not long after she was dropped down, and so she sat up, realizing that she didn't have enough time to make it to the bunkers before the timer goes off. She used all her might, gritting her teeth, and made it to a room, which she closed and locked the door before collapsing on a bed, using the blankets to try to stop the bleeding on her arm, face and leg. It hurt so much, like someone actually used a knife to stab you.

She started to eat as she realized she was hungry. She finished her melon and a bit of her Tilapia and Mango dish before cuddling back in bed. Her face and arm had stopped bleeding, they were small cuts, but her leg couldn't stop bleeding hard and hurting, with the wound so open. She ripped out a bit of the bedsheets and wrapped it around her leg. As she did she heard the doorknob rattle and the door pounding, and she realized it was the spiders and cannibals coming for her. She sobbed quietly into her pillow as she tried hard to avoid the racket.

A while later she heard some thumps that sounded like someone beating others up. Jupiter cast a look at the door's window and realized that a nurse was at the door, beating up the cannibal and spiders. A moment later she forced the door open with a key and looked at Jupiter's bloody mess.

"Ah, how bad is that, soy bad, I suppose," the nurse sighed. She held out her stake sign and hit Jupiter with it, and everything went black.

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