Chapter Seven

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A sickness was spreading over the Sanatorium, during Jupiter's seventh month.

    The director of the Sanatorium named Valindra, the Divine Sister decided to open applications for emergency nurses as there weren't enough to treat the sickness outbreak. Everyone began coughing and sneezing, and masks were running out fast and nurses had to rush for more.

    Jupiter and Wolfie each grabbed a mask and looked down on the ground as they passed other people. Sometimes they got groggily sick when someone had coughed on them, but then everyday the nursery was open for sick treatments, and there ended up a long line of patients awaiting. But Jupiter and Wolfie kept to being treated once every two days, but during the nighttime conditions had gotten worse and it became quite unbearable.

    The nurses became more strict at the amount of people in the Quarantine Halls and Nursery, and tends to knock more people out and throw them outside of the Nursery if one of the patients break into the nursery when wasn't given permission. The Patients had stuck to climbing up counters or getting behind the counters during the Holy Water shipment that the nurses had to get rid of a bunch of people each day for behaving quite badly. Jupiter and Wolfie stuck to the balcony whenever they had free time, and continued to collect food and stay away from people.

    Few more times over the course of two more months that people had to head to the bunkers. Jupiter and Wolfie never failed to get in there once since Jupiter's incident with her first bunker alarm. There were way more nurses than the months before that the hallways were full of a lot of nurses, knocking people out and bringing them over to dorms or bunkers. Jupiter and Wolfie almost ran into a few, which was a good thing, because if you were seen lost in the halls at night you would be knocked out.

    As more coughing continued in the bunkers Jupiter and Wolfie crouched in a corner with their faces in their arms. Nurses were pouring water on the knocked out patients and the patients were sitting up, gave the nurses a terrified look, and ran to take a seat.

    Validra had visited the Sanatorium once, and everyone was instructed to call her the Divine Goddess, or address her as 'Sister', and those who failed to do so would be gotten rid of.

    That morning, Valindra had took Jupiter and Wolfie to her private Therapy Room where she asked questions about survival in the Sanatorium, since they both were at the Sanatorium the longest at the moment. She was surprised at how they lasted for more than half a month when most lasted 3 months at most. She helped Jupiter and Wolfie some tips about avoiding the sickness, and then they designed a small poster to teach the others to how to prevent being sick. Once they finished Valindra sprayed the Holy Cleanse Spray onto the poster before hanging it on the wall near the stairs.

"Hope the sickness would go off soon," Valindra said with a sigh as they watched the poster get hung up. She then glanced at Wolfie and Jupiter and smiled.

"Thank you for your holy assistance and long-term survival at this Holy Sanatorium," Valindra said, "I will be promoting Jupiter from Refugee to Islander, and Wolfie from Tourist to Islander. You may request your new candles with one of the nurses. You guys may go, have a holy day!"

    She left and headed to the nursery where the nurses were gathered, leaving the two girls standing at the stairs, stunned.

"Wow, I guess we just got promoted," Wolfie grinned.

"Feels nice," Jupiter admitted, "Let's grab some Holy Water today at noon, I don't feel so good."

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