Introduction (Please Read)

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WARNING: This story will have a lot of swearing and depressive thoughts (which there won't be warnings for) and will discuss many triggering topics like abuse, rape, suicide and self-harm (which will have warnings whenever they show up). The story does not condone any of these things. If you struggle with any of these things, please reach out to someone- the police, a therapist, someone you trust. You guys are all awesome and don't deserve to go through stuff like that. Please stay safe and take care of your wonderful selves.


Hello everyone! Author here!

I've been wanting to try my hand at a vigilante Deku AU for a while, but I also wanted to try a depressed Deku AU. So I thought: why not both?

This glorious monstrosity was the result.

It's my very first story, so I apologize in advance for my poor writing skills, slow updates, and absolute lack of ability to write action scenes. I'm sorry, I really am trying to get better at that. If you see any grammar/spelling mistakes, please be sure to let me know so I can fix them. And if you have any advice or reactions to the story, please leave a comment! I'd appreciate it a lot. I'll try my best to update frequently as well.

Also, I just want to say that this story will probably not have any romance. I want to focus on character development more instead of romantic relationships. Sorry to disappoint... but if it makes you feel any better, my skill at writing romance is so bad that if I tried to include it in the story you'd probably wish I hadn't.

And just one more thing: while I am writing this just for fun, I'm also writing this to increase awareness of mental health issues. Mental health is serious, and should be treated as such. Please take care of yourselves.

If you ever want to talk to somebody, the number for the US mental health hot line is 1-800-273-8255, and I'm always here as well! I may not be able to get back to you immediately or know exactly what to say, but I can try.

Thank you for reading my story and I hope you enjoy. Plus Ultra :)

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