Eleven: The Storm

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*throws chapter at you and runs*

Word Count: 19,034


WARNING: This chapter includes some violence and injuries. If these things trigger you, please do not read. Thank you and please take care of yourselves.

Izuku's shoulders hurt.

He rolled them uncomfortably and rubbed his joints, but the knots of tension and soreness still stubbornly remained. Probably because of all the stress, he reasoned. Of course, stress was far from new to him, but today his nerves were even more shot than usual. With the USJ attack looming imminent- just one day away- he had so much to prepare and so little time. 

It was already evening. The class would be going to the USJ during hero basic training, which began at about 12:50 PM tomorrow, so that put D-Day at a little over 18 hours from now. Not even a whole day, then... he wouldn't be able to do much during his patrol hours either. He was on an exceedingly tight schedule, and far too busy to sit here and listen to himself complain about the mess he'd gotten himself into in the first place.

No time to waste. Opening up his laptop, he cracked his knuckles and got to work.

Zero Best Friend Squad

6:21 PM

⭐︎Zero⭐︎ @Needs More Coffee: Hey~ you're taking your kiddies to Universal Studios Japan tomorrow, right? Man, I'm so jealous of you, Iida-chan ('△`)♪

⭐︎Zero⭐︎: Or should I say Exit-Sign Iida? ;)

⭐︎Zero⭐︎ has changed Gotta Go Fast to Exit Sign.

Needs More Coffee: im not even surprised at this point

Needs More Coffee: what did you do, wiretap the whole school?

⭐︎Zero⭐︎: It's a secret~

Exit Sign: Universal Studios Japan! I was not aware that we would be going on a field trip, especially to such a place!

Needs More Coffee: i can and will expel you

Exit Sign: What for?! Please do not joke about such matters!

Needs More Coffee: i'll find a reason somehow

Needs Less Coffee: LIGHTEN UP, SHOU!!! BE RADICAL!!!!

⭐︎Zero⭐︎: Yeah, lighten up, Shou :>

⭐︎Zero⭐︎: But you guys be careful out there, okay? Make sure you're both on your A-game!

Needs More Coffee: the last time you gave me a warning, you shot me in the chest with a water pistol about ten minutes later, so excuse me if i'm a bit doubtful

⭐︎Zero⭐︎: Shouta. Tenya. I mean it.

⭐︎Zero⭐︎: Anything could happen. Always be ready for the worst. Take some quirk-cancelling cuffs with you, just in case.

Izuku closed out of the application, hoping he'd done the right thing.

He'd considered telling them about the upcoming attack, but eventually decided against it. For one, there was no guarantee that they'd actually believe him; even if they did, there really wasn't much that they could do to prepare for this without drawing attention.

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