HOLIDAY SPECIAL: A List of Things Zero is No Longer Allowed to Do

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Hello, everyone! I'm so sorry I just went off the radar for a while. Life has been pretty busy with the last weeks of school and the holidays, and I've had a spot of writer's block. But I felt awful not having updated in so long, so in the spirit of giving, I present for your viewing pleasure this short one-shot!

I know you were expecting the chapter but it's not quite done yet... I'm very sorry. It should be out within a day or two hopefully, but by the end of the month no matter what. It's already the longest one yet, so yay? I've got plenty of good stuff written for it- mostly angst. There are just a couple important scenes I really need to finish and polish up, especially considering how important they are within the chapter. I can't thank you enough for your patience.

This one-shot isn't extremely holiday-focused, but it does have some mentions, and it is extra content all the same. It's also in list format, which is why the word count is fairly small. It's longer than it seems, I promise.

And I had a blast making it, so without further ado, please enjoy and have a very happy holiday!! <3 <3 <3

Word Count: 834


A List of Things Zero is No Longer Allowed to Do in the Musutafu Police Department

By: Naomasa Tsukauchi, Kenji Tsuragamae, Shouta Aizawa, Yamada Hizashi, and the entirety of the Musutafu Police Department

1. No trying to steal the station's coffee machine.

2. No trying to "borrow" the station's coffee machine.

3. No stealing all the filters out of the station's coffee machine out of pure spite.

4. No trying to destroy the station's coffee machine because "If I can't have have it, nobody can".

5. Saying "It's just a prank, bro" after a prank does not make it okay.

6. Screaming like a banshee and brandishing a fire extinguisher at everything in the general vicinity is not an acceptable response to seeing a picture of Endeavor.

7. Get off that desk.

8. Completely off.

9. No, you may not have a dictionary to look up the exact definition of 'completely.'

10. No hitting people with dictionaries.

11. Pouring glitter into the station's coffee machine is a health hazard.

12. No doing anything with or to the station's coffee machine, period.

13. You are not, in fact, the "coolest vigilante to ever walk the face of the earth".

14. Stealing Tsukauchi's coat off the coat racks is not okay, even if you put it back before he notices.

15. Bribing Sansa with catnip for information on case files is illegal.

16. Flirting with the receptionist is not allowed.

17. Flirting with the meter maids is not allowed.

18. You can tell ten bad puns a day and no more.

19. Hazing the newbies isn't allowed in police precincts.

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